The Bigger Picture Series: From Homosexuals To Homoexistentials
From Homosexuals To Homoexistentials
Tags: individual, object, subject, local, global, objective, subjective, sexual, identity, orientation, Homoproducers, Homoexistential, Homolocal, Homoglobal, society, religion, authentic, Homosocialization
There is need to start a movement which will fill up the vacuum and crisis of identity. Fuller meaning of one’s identity is crucial whether they be heterosexual or homosexual or non-binary. It is both a basic and adulting life skills promotion.
Look beyond sexual intercourse, pornography and dating. Explore what it means to enjoy freedom. Explore the fuller life span events.
Ask yourself questions such as:
How do you meet and make friends?
What are the reasons why one should meet and make friends?
What is the benefit of making friends?
Is it to improve your own personal, inter-personal and cultural relations?
Are you aware it is important for you to know how to relate in both familiar and unfamiliar spaces?
This improves your local and global self. Homolocal and Homoglobal are an important aspect of the Homoexistential. You are an individual with sense of the objective, subjective, local, global, with power to fathom what constitutes an object, with power to fathom what constitutes a subject, you are sexual, but there is more to your identity and it is this that defines your orientation.
We have the power to make to gauge how far along the timeline, or social life phases or expectations we are meeting. We do socialize. We make our Homosocialization stick by knowing we need to have the necessary skills to to work to earn a living; we have to have the ability to negotiate positive and fulfilling objectives in life such as professionalism in the way we do things. We have to strive to be known by what we do. Homoproducers!
Those proponents of existentialism from Aristotle, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky Locke and Mills shared the belief that philosophical thinking begins with the human subject who was capable of acting or doing. They were able to show that we both what we do and think. We are thinking subject, acting subject, feeling subject and we are living human individuals. There is value in existing and it is freedom. We therefore are saddled with the responsibility to be true to this calling and this is what constitutes our authenticity. Each of us is called upon as part of a larger society or religion to solely be responsible for giving meaning to life and living it passionately and sincerely, or authentically. When we only look at life from a sexual perspective we miss out in existing fully and pursuing life, liberty and happiness as John Locke would put it.
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