Renowned Ugandan-American HIV Care and Prevention Activist Speaks Out!

"First they warn you not to relate with homosexuals, then when you do they say you are a homosexual and that stops all initiative as well as cordial relations with friends and relatives."

My name is Tom Muyunga-Mukasa, I have had the privilege of serving in different capacities and an exposure to communities in Uganda, South Sudan, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern African countries, Turkey, Austria and USA. In Uganda, I worked with orphans, vulnerable children, parents who were willing to stand in as orphan care-givers, I worked with a Kampala Capital City Authority based organization providing housing to children from Karamoja, I worked with island communities, deep rural communities and have equally enjoyed the trappings of an urban office. 

I have interfaced with persons whose right to a dignified livelihood has been quashed by those who are privileged or just shy away from them because of associative attribution. I know what it means for people who face neglect because they are living with HIV/TB. The stigma is painful. I have used the privilege of my Harvard qualifications to negotiate for others who are less privileged. I am a scholar and practitioner in diagnostic heuristics and iterative methods. I have argued on behalf of the entire African continent before President Donald Trump to have PEPFAR continued. I was given a letter of commendation to that effect from the White House.

In the coming series of articles, I am going to add my voice to those of many others on how Uganda can operationalize the objectives within the fast-track initiative on ending HIV & AIDS. This has been prompted by the fact that we need many actors, it is slated to end by 2030 and it has a road map which can be rolled-out, tracked and made into performance indicators. 

"When they see you are productive then they say it is the homosexuals from whom they are protecting you against. Because, homosexuals are evil and can tempt you to do wrong things."

US Seal

Uganda Seal

Uganda Flag

US Flag
Tom is a scholar and practitioner in diagnostics and iterative methods


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