Our Pride Picture of The Month Is From Kiev, Ukraine
At MARPS IN UGANDA, we bring you wholesome news and development cues. This time around we bring you a choice picture showing how pride is received in different countries. This one is from Kiev where more than 150 demonstrators tried to stop the LGBT celebration in Ukraine.
Kiev, is the capital and largest city of Ukraine with a population of about 3,000,000. Kiev is known for its advanced technology industries and education centres.
During the country's transformation to a Market-electoral-democracy economy, Kiev has continued to be Ukraine's largest and richest city.
Kiev's armament-dependent industrial output fell after the Soviet collapse, adversely affecting science and technology. But new sectors of the economy such as services and finance facilitated Kiev's growth in salaries and investment, as well as providing continuous funding for the development of housing and urban infrastructure. Kiev is divided between pro-Russia and pro-Western region with parties advocating tighter alignment with Europe or aligning with Russia.
Kiev was the scene of intense protests and counter protests during the recent pride. But Ukraine being a democracy this was controlled in such a way that both sides expressed their opinions. Live and let live approach. For more see:advocate.com
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