Discover and own Who You Really Are: Cities To Visit!
You may know Kampala as a city.
Discover other cities too.
This blog is dedicated to make you a fully aware person. An actualized person. Let us take you to such journeys with us. Discover your full potential.
An African Proverb goes thus:
"it always rains at the familiar place!"
The English say:
"Grass is greener, the other side."
What is your most beloved city?
Have you really reached its inner cores?
Have you felt its heart beat?
Reach out,
Get to know those who dwell,
Have you crossed the streets?
Have you sipped the beverages sold at the restaurants?
Have you patronized the exclusive clubs?
Have you met the people evicted from homes?
Have you also met those whose businesses were closed?
Have you met the bankrupted lot?
Have you also met those who walk with "member-only" club pride?
Cities are a haven,
both for the hopeful and hopeless.
Discover other cities too.
This blog is dedicated to make you a fully aware person. An actualized person. Let us take you to such journeys with us. Discover your full potential.
An African Proverb goes thus:
"it always rains at the familiar place!"
The English say:
"Grass is greener, the other side."
What is your most beloved city?
Have you really reached its inner cores?
Have you felt its heart beat?
Reach out,
Get to know those who dwell,
Have you crossed the streets?
Have you sipped the beverages sold at the restaurants?
Have you patronized the exclusive clubs?
Have you met the people evicted from homes?
Have you also met those whose businesses were closed?
Have you met the bankrupted lot?
Have you also met those who walk with "member-only" club pride?
Cities are a haven,
both for the hopeful and hopeless.
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