Dear friend:
The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights and American University Washington College of Law, are organizing the first training on International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms, to be held in Florence, Italy from September 9 to 14, 2013. The deadline to submit applications is August 2, 2013. The training will gather practitioners from different protection mechanisms who will have the chance to share their experiences and lessons learned, both in using international mechanisms and working for their improvement.

Among the trainers there will be key actors of each protection mechanism, such as the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression of the UN, Mr. Frank La Rue, the Chair of the Committee Against Torture and Chair of Treaty Bodies from OHCHR, Dean Claudio Grossman, and former Executive Secretary of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights, Santiago A. Canton, among others.

For further information please visit our web site
Fell free to distribute among your network.

Best regards,
Andrea Galindo
Human Rights Training.
RFK Center


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