Report, 2011

Greetings from CEO, Thomas Muyunga
Dear Sponsor! We have established ourselves as an organisation having
action around violence, violations, abuse, discrimination and stigma. We have
made a significant contribution, commitment and consolidation of our work
targeting marginalised sub-population groups in Uganda. The groups include (but
not limited to); Persons with disabilities, MSM, Substance users, PLHIV, Sex-workers,
LGBTIQQ, Young People, Men and Women in informal sector ( CSOs, Truckers,
artisans, fisher-folk and food vendors). We have conducted leadership
improvement sessions and were able to interact with; security personnel,
community leaders and the Civil Society (sorority and fraternity) of Uganda. We
have established 172 social spaces (groups or community- halls) where we shall
continue conducting thematic talks and planning on: Violence, abuse, discrimination,
stigma, sexuality, gender, diversity, HIV, Health, STIs, Poverty, Development
and Social responsibility. This is our contribution to democracy and good

Well-wishers, friends and a voluntary spirit of founders was the route
through which USD 280,000 was mobilised to: pay for office space up to December
2011; pay for a transitory home up to December 2011; attend 3 study conferences;
conduct 13 seminars on sexuality, gender, HIV, Human rights; provide medication
to 250 attendees; procure 5,000 mls of water based lubricant; generate a vulnerability/MARPs Profile;
conduct 15 health fares and; conduct 73 talk sessions interrogating behaviour/practices (risky or violent) that fuel HIV/STIs in communities.
Our organisation’s name is shortened
as MARPS IN UGANDA; we did start in 2007, under the present day MARPs
Network. MARPS IN UGANDA is pursuing a different mandate, objectives
and strategy. We have indeed contributed immensely to what is known as at-risk
populations’ planning and programming. We engage individuals and
organisations in doing something about discriminative contexts. We also engage
in activities that improve uptake of HIV-related services without
discrimination. We foresee a society
where there is unconditional positive regard when it comes to dealing with
human beings. We do implement activities
around that vision.

We have a resource center which is also doubling as an office space and
a care facility for LGBTIQQ. We do provide anonymous counselling through a
hotline and callers call toll free. We have 4 medical doctors who have been
with our organisation since inception. A fifth medical doctor has just joined
us recently. All these medical doctors are friendly and ethical. We do have 3
counsellors, 5 laboratory technologists and 20 social workers who have all been
trained through seminars and workshops on sexuality, orientation and gender
identity. They are now skilled in handling marginalised sub-populations. We
shall be able to effectively conduct our reach-out health fares.
Mentorship drives included capacity building trainings to 37 groups to
which we passed on leadership, management, research, report-writing and
documenting skills. Grass-root communities which are empowered are able to
generate experiences for informing policy, programming and trends. We intend to
work with more groups in the next months and years.
We have reached over 35,000 beneficiaries with health services and have
networked with 35 ART-Provider health facilities. At our resource center it is
possible to provide sit-in talk sessions on themes such as; Young Peoples’
issues, IGAs, Poverty, development, sexuality, gender and diversity. We do
operate a non discrimination social space where we also have theme moments with
films. We partner with communities and organisations to cause more action
against Violence, abuse, Discrimination and Stigma (VADS). We take to
communities HIV testing, use identified social spaces or fares to address VADS
and we intend to produce a report document on this. We are working towards
empowering the minority communities to address Violence, Abuse, Discrimination,
Stigma and linking same to poverty, disease.
We do have a website (, 3 internet-based social
interactive spaces on face book (MARPS IN UGANDA, SOGIAH UGANDA, Say no to
Homophobia) and have gone into cyber partnerships with 4 other internet –based
spaces (e.g., AmfAR..) to continue accessing and providing information.
MARPS IN UGANDA operates an income generating activity project where 24
beneficiaries have benefited in form of: a motor-cycle hire business with 4
bikes were unfortunately pronounced DMCs and written off; 1 grocery kiosk; 1
beauty boutique; 3 upcoming photo shooters; 2 music/talent groups and; a
stationery kiosk with printing services in one university. We have provided a
revolving credit up to Ugx-500, 000 (USD 200) to 5 persons: 2 who were dealing
in used clothier vending and 3 who are operating hair grooming salons. These
persons have all been provided with a start-up credit and are doing business
normally. An earlier revolving credit extension was for 13 manicure/paedicure
operators who have since been able to continue with their work successfully.
This year, 9 persons evicted from their places of residence and homes
approached us for refuge at our transitory home. 2, it was alleged were gay, 3
were photographed in same sex embrace and 4 male sex-workers. In Uganda, same sex relations and sex-work are
criminalized. We do receive first hand reports of ridicule, of evictions from
homes, expulsion from schools and all sorts of homophobic backlash. We provide counselling and possibly space up
to two weeks and not beyond. We
encourage the persons to, as much as possible, look for somewhere to go.
Through our networks we have managed to find safe spaces in tolerant
residential communities. While with us we do provide: upkeep and self
awareness, self esteem and good conduct counselling. We do regular check-in to
ensure discipline. Our transitory home has given refuge to 129 persons since
2008. Below is the picture.
As a result of our efforts to generate an at-risk populations (MARPs)
stakeholders’ mapping for the whole of Uganda and our dedication to eradicate
violence, abuse, discrimination and stigma, we have initiated the first ever National
Coalition of organisations targeting MARPs annual meeting (NACOMAM) as a proprietary platform
where all organisations will commit to eradicating violence, abuse,
discrimination and stigma in Uganda. Through our list serve we have sent out a
draft plan (agenda of sorts) through which we asked all these organisations to
make inputs and constructive comments pending funding to conduct such an august
Kindly support our cause in form of: providing targeted sexual reproductive health
commodities (water-based lubricants, condoms, dildos, finger cots and dental
dams), funds, used books, furniture for offices and resource center: for the
next 12 months we need funds worth Ugx. 281,700,000 (USD 112,680 at the
exchange rate of 1 USD= Ugx-2,500) to do the following;
1. Pay
internet for 12 months- Ugx. 500,000
2. Hotline
airtime for 12 months_ Ugx. 2,400,000
3. Rent
for Transitory Home: Ugx- 8,400,000
4. Rent
Offices: Ugx- 14,400,0000
5. Pay
Security: Ugx-4, 800,000
6. Pay
utilities fees: Ugx-4,800,000
7. Salaries
for 5 medical doctors: Ugx-30,000,000
8. Salaries
for counsellors: Ugx-20,000,000
9. Salaries
for Laboratory Technicians: Ugx-20,000,000
10. Purchases
for sundries/Consumables: Ugx- 1,200,000
11. Purchases for medications: Ugx-
12. Administration/Travel/ Gay-related
Medical education scholarships: Ugx-18,000,000
13. Conducting reach out health-fares:
Ugx- 36, 000,000
14. Purchase for clinic wares: Ugx-
15. Purchase for computer/printing unit:
16. Purchase for furniture for 4 offices:
17. Pay
for World AIDS Day Commemoration Health-Fare targeting gay community-Ugx.
4,500,000 (to go towards: medication purchases, retainer for health workers and
18. Pay
for printing 1,000 reports at Ugx. 10,000,000. Reports are used to show-case
our work.
19. Pay for administrative meetings: Ugx-
20. Pay for membership to 5 major bodies:
Ugx- 2,000,000
Our products include:
Planned targeted programmes promoting democracy and governance without
discrimination at grass-root levels;
increased number of organisations
able to access health services for members, increased spaces for democracy and
governance values; democracy and governance education that will increase
conversation, awareness and skills at community level; documenting experiences,
seeking redress for abuses and; actions to eradicate violence, abuse,
discrimination and stigma in communities.
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