MARPS IN UGANDA has concluded an
appraisal exercise of MARPs issues in 10 regions covering Uganda from July
2010-August 2011. The objective was: to gauge topography, characteristics and
contexts within which MARPs and Key affected populations are defined in Uganda
as well as showing need for clarity and specificity of programmes targeting
overall MARPs and key affected populations.
Methodology: 13,250 key leaders were interviewed around
vulnerability, environment, economic and socio-politico status that affect
MARPs; 270 men only board game groups, 150 pool kiosks and 25 University-based
groups were used to generate information on substance use; 52 MSM/TG safe
spaces were used to generate information on repercussions of Criminalisation;
MARPs were sub-divided further into key affected populations ( MSM, TG,
Sex-workers and Substance Users); 2500
men were probed for health, development and social issues in communities; 120
lower level government key persons were asked about MARPs and a possibility of
existence for programming targeting MARPs; Reviews and actual visits to 12,200
CSOs/FBOs/NGOs/Development Partners to check concrete plans targeting MARPs
were done. 25 religious/cultural-based
leaders were interviewed on their role in eradicating violence, abuse,
discrimination and stigma.
Findings: Vulnerability is due to environment, economic and
socio-politico status; Criminalisation; Men and the environment have a big role
in promoting critical health, development and social issues in communities;
local governments are a potential for programming targeting MARPs if they have
flexible planning side by side with indicative planning;
CSOs/FBOs/NGOs/Development Partners have concrete plans targeting MARPs but
religious/cultural influence seems to fuel violence, abuse, discrimination and
stigma; Key affected populations’ needs are Psycho-socio-behavioural and few
organisations have solid plans to address them; Community structures are a
potential to address both MARPs and key affected populations’ issues;
Comprehensive knowledge on HIV/STIs prevention still low; Knowledge, attitude
and Practices geared towards preserving quality life are influenced by many
factors; Factors include: Condition, geographical location, age, education,
family status, settlements (urban/rural), occupation and
Conclusion: MARPs such as:
Fisher folk, Long distance Truckers, Uniformed services and in-mates have effective
programming. Programmes targeting key affected populations should involve their
input, should follow characteristics and typology informed by them and should
address broader issues of violence, abuse, discrimination and stigma including
decriminalisation. Key affected populations’ issues such as: Drug users should
be addressed using harm reduction mechanisms; sex-workers’ issues should be
addressed to promote reduction in risks exposure; MSM/TG issues should be addressed
in such a way as to promote dignity and self esteem.
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