BEING PART OF THE SOLUTION in uganda: Advancing and linking HIV, Human Rights and a Development Agenda targeting the MARPs

                                                        CONCEPT NOTE
                                                   July 2010- August 2011

MOST AT RISK POPULATIONS’ SOCIETY IN UGANDA has the following vision: Ugandans accessing services without discrimination due to marginalization. Mission: To empower marginalised with knowledge and skills to promote action, uproot HIV-AIDS and ensure leadership towards promotion of development. We establish structures within which populations access development services. Our thematic areas are: Health mobilisation, social development, functional literacy/numeracy and establishing community owned resource persons (CORPs) to continue work in their own communities. Goal: Contribute to community development through empowering participation. We are using a five pronged approach: Establish ourselves as an organisation leading in raising awareness on  HIV-AIDS, Human Rights, Health and Development; in urban settings we are using recreation spots as entry points, parks, repair garages, car-washing bays, film kiosks; in Universities and institutions of learning we are using the Campus fraternities/Sororities/School clubs; in non-urban settings we are using local government structures/NGOs/FBOs; Work with grass-root based organisations to reduce and eliminate poverty in Uganda. We follow crowds through Regional Support and Coordination Offices; Key Affected Population Constituencies; Community owned resource persons who are at five levels (Community level, Sub-county, District, Regional and Country levels).

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Empowering people with information and skills to manage social change and economic development without discrimination.
ADDRESS:  Kampala Road Zone, Kawaala, Lubaga Division
CONTACTS: e-mail:
                       P.O. Box: 27530 Kampala


                        CEO: Thomas Muyunga
FORMAL AFFILIATION: Registered in Uganda (134037)


HIV-AIDS is still a threat to community inspite strides and mechanisms established to stem its tide. Most at risk populations are populations at a higher risk of acquiring HIV. There is need to re-commit and re-dedicate to eradicating it from the world. Such efforts are the reason why MARPS in Uganda joins hands with all such efforts to fight HIV. Our approach is combining HIV-AIDS/Human Rights and community development efforts as well as addressing by designing/implementing programmes and Consolidates promising practices reducing/eradicating Violence, Abuse, Discrimination, Stigma (VADS). Our organisation seeks to establish the impact of VADS on access. It seeks to establish impact of VADS on timeliness, effectiveness and appropriateness of use, demand and sustainability factors when it comes to services (access and provision).


MARPs are less understood by many programme and policy level stakeholders. The main reason is that other equally relevant issues are threatening the social status quo. The second reason could be that funding following implementation of activities does peg little funds on issues MARPs.


Uganda has made gigantic strides in providing one of the best environment within which communities partake in decision-making and get involved in eradicating HIV-AIDS and poverty. MARPs-targeting organisations need to integrate all their action with poverty eradication and development programmes.


1.     Generate ideas and develop a concept.
2.     Develop power point to explain protocol to follow
3.     Carry out/ Conduct a revitalization of reaching out to all beneficiaries (Divide Uganda in 10 regions).
4.     Uganda (Central 1,2,3,4, North, West Nile, South-Western, Mid-Western, Eastern Uganda, North East Uganda).
5.     Identify 10 regional supervisors/Coordinators.
6.     Identify 900 mobilisers.
7.     Our assumption is that there is a wider and broader context within which understanding of MARPs should be placed.
8.     Establish linkage with existing country-wide HIV/STIs programmes.
9.     Identify means and tools to address the problems identified by MARPs and service providers.
10.                       Analyze service provision in Uganda to gauge care, prevention, skills transfer, knowledge transfer, systems and structures in place, mitigation and interventions in place.
11.                       Evaluate service provision by asking: what is provided; who accesses; why is that particular category accessing; how do they access; what is the environment within which they access making it possible or impossible.
12.                       Provide documentation on promising practices eradicating such contexts within which HIV thrives by getting voices, opinions and buy-in of community leaders and liaise with all forms of services providers who are key in eradicating HIV from our community.
13.                       Meet people/respondents in their homes, work-places and communities of abode.

WORK PLAN (July 2010 August 2011):
July-October 2010
Nov 2010-Feb 2011
April 2011-August 2011
 1.Concept development

 2. Identify data collectors/mobilisers
2a Training sessions

       3. Conducting data collection Central Uganda

       4. Followed by North Uganda


       5. South/Mid Western Uganda

       6. West Nile

       7. Report writing



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