Evidence of Best practices targeting the WSW, MSM and TG informing appropriateness of interventions targeting sexual minorities in Uganda

Muyunga Thomas, Sebulime Gerald

BACKGROUND:  Sexual minorities identifying as WSW, MSM and TG are categorised as same sex, a behaviour which is penalised in Uganda according to 3 sections of the Penal Code of Uganda:  Section 145, Section 146 and Section 148. This restrictive context influences support activities targeting sexual minorities ranging from access to health services and healthy lifestyle information.

METHODS:  13 funded organisations from 2009-2011 reached out to 300 members. 2 organisations targeting MSM, 2 targeting LBT, 2 university based targeting LG, 3 targeting trans-persons, 1 targeting MSM/TG, 1 targeting intersex, 1 internet based social network and 1 targeting bisexual filled a questionnaire and during outreaches  initiated question and answer sessions whose responses were used as means of generating information for this report.

RESULTS: The 300 clients of these outreach services requested and were provided with IEC on issues related to sexuality, gender orientation, health, and relationships. Accessing these services allowed the clients to acknowledge their self-defined gender identities. The services also provided a safe environment in which clients were able to discuss pressing health and social issues including physical abuse, assault, battering, stigma, discrimination, STIs, illness, nutrition support, refuge and legal redress.

CONCLUSION:  Regular and planned activities of organisations targeting WSW, MSM and TG are a means of realising met and un-met health-social needs. This influences appropriateness of services to address legal, social to health issues.

RECOMMENDATION: Legal contexts are influencing support towards MSM and TG. They influence affirmation, equality, autonomy, privacy, liberty, health seeking behaviours, access to SRH prevention commodities and visibility.


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