“Health” Issues commonly raised by Sex-workers, women-who-sex-with-women, Trans-persons, Intersex and men who have sex with men in Uganda: 2008-2011 (Calibrating Uganda’s Sensitivity and Competence towards Key Populations)
(WSW), Trans-persons[3]
(Trans), Intersex[4]
(I), men who have sex with men[5]
(MSM), sex-workers[6]
and Substance users[7] do
exist in Uganda. They continuously present unique morbidity causes and stress
related complaints at various health service points that require quick responses done with
expediency, specificity and sensitivity[8]. Health is a:
state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity. It may also mean: general condition of a person's mind, body and
spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health”
or “healthy”). Health is not just a state, but
also "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is
a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as
physical capacities. Using these definitions to calibrate a
minimum standard calls for broad and sweeping approaches. In addressing their
issues one needs to embrace combination prevention which recognizes three broad
categories of interventions: biomedical, behavioral, and structural[9].
Once HIV-related illnesses have been diagnosed the follow up care and
management should maximize the preventive benefits of treatment[10].
Providing spaces where complaints are
attended will improve on evidence-generation to justify investment and
prioritized budgeting[11].
As noted from most of the reports, the underlying issue of protection[12]
is high up on the minds of beneficiaries even as they present other illnesses.
Any health care practitioner should have this in mind and it will influence
adherence. Stigma and discrimination follow after protection issues[13]
. A gender and dignity affirming space will influence proper diagnosis[14].
Unconditional positive regard[15]
based on informed readiness to serve will make the service provider understand
needs of say, Transgender persons[16].
This openness in turn enables one embrace “beyond business as usual” approaches
as they are targeting sexual minorities[17].
As service providers position themselves to address sexual minorities’ issues
they should be conversant with pressures from: stigma, discrimination, poverty,
violation of human rights, homophobia, and heterosexism[18].
Doing no harm calls for non-discrimination and due diligence accorded to all.
Sexual minorities living with HIV continue presenting at service provision
points. They need to be given the same care and management accorded to the rest[19].
Sexual minorities should be involved in short trainings to equip them with
skills to improve adherence and compliance practices[20].
A service provider should endeavour to
improve the cultural grasp, sensitivity and competence using various means and
guidelines[21]. A
checklist of complaints and needs that influence appropriateness of services[22]
range from: bruises, wounds, cuts, acid burns, burns, scalds, battering, blows,
foreign bodies in orifices (anal/vaginal), STIs, HIV, post abortion care,
malaria, TB, URTIs, UTIs, Anal discharge, anal inflammation, oral
inflammation, targeted information,
education and communication on sexuality, orientation, gender, identity and
keeping relationships. Issues of visibility ranged from those who are openly
gay, TG, lesbians, intersex, MSM, WSW, bisexual MSM, bisexual lesbians, female
to male (FTM) and male to female (MTF) transgender. Some FTM and MTF demand
surgical correction as well as hormonal supplements to enable them achieve a
peak gender of choice. The follow-up affirmation counselling and refilling
hormonal supplies may require to travel out-side Uganda. Intersex need to have
sexuality support counselling and referral for surgical correction (CORSU[23]- Hospital
is one such facility). Some MSM engage in sex-work. A few others are MSM living
with HIV and whereas they may be attached to ART accredited health facilities
they need psychosocial support follow-up. Reports and experiences of evictions
are common. Some are victims of domestic-violence and yet another big number
are victims of black-mail, extortion and are outed without their own consent.
The health worker to handle such cases needs to be so many things at one and
also be in position to use a very comprehensive referral system including
legal, credit extension and psychosocial support.
goal of targeted interventions is three-phase: improves demand, attendance and
provision. It improves the practice of evidence-based medicine, improves the
ability of the health sector to respond to the specific needs of beneficiaries
and addresses structural mechanisms that may fuel discrimination and stigma if
left un attended to. Health care provision based on evidence and ethical principles
rather than beliefs, religious values, or moral authority is what is needed in
Uganda. The health sector interventions that build capacity of health workers
to initiate targeted interventions are focused on two primary determinants increasing
clinical capacity of health care providers as well as increasing cultural
competence of health care providers in managing the needs of minorities. This
experience forms basis for addressing needs of other sexual minorities. Men who
have sex with men (MSM) are a population group that flagged off sexual minority
health care initiatives. There is need for targets, shared lessons as we spread the most effective interventions, roll
out to cover re-attendances, bigger numbers, issues of chronic care continuum and
eventually cover the rest of sexual minorities. Why start with MSM? Well, MSM
have consistently been found to be at elevated risk for adverse health outcomes
in both high and low income settings.
There is emerging evidence of disproportionate burden of sexually transmitted
infections among MSM across the African continent and this risk co-exists in
many countries with laws criminalizing same-sex practices. Moreover, there is pervasive stigma and
consequently human rights violations have been documented in every country of
Africa where MSM have been studied.
Moving forward from this dire situation requires a comprehensive effort including better
understanding individual level and structural risk factors and developing
multimodal combination HIV prevention interventions (CHPI) addressing these
levels of risk. Domestic community-based organizations (CBO) serving the needs
of MSM in nearly every country on the continent with their domestic allies are
a starting point. In this relation, health care providers should be targeted as
primary allies, along with legal, academic and social-workers, for nascent and
emerging CBO serving the needs of MSM and consequently other categories of
minorities in Africa. Systematic review of risk of infectious diseases
including HIV have consistently demonstrated that MSM carry elevated risk above
that faced by their heterosexual male counterparts even in the generalized
epidemics of Southern Africa. Similarly,
health care educational institutions are increasing the amount of attention focused
on guiding ethical values for health care.
There are numerous guiding frameworks for ethical principles in health
care yet analyzing these issues with any of these frameworks result in the same
conclusion: health care workers should be willing to provide care for people in
need of those services. All health care
consumers, MSM or not, should have the freedom to decide on treatment for
themselves unless that decision were to cause serious harm to the general public. In the absence of infectious diseases, sex
between men is not inherently dangerous and poses no risk to the health of the
general public. Health care providers
should also respect the autonomy of competent men who have sex with men to make
decisions. As any mention of same-sex
practices has been removed from the DSM-IV, the argument that men having sex
with other men is evidence of a lack of corpus
mente bears no weight. The provision
of health care should be completed confidentially and MSM should not fear that
disclosure of their sexual practices to health care workers will result in
breach of privacy. Health care workers
are also mandated to afford their services with dignity and justice to their
clients, whether their sexual practices include same-sex practices or not. And most importantly, health care workers
are to always provide beneficent care focused on helping the person seeking
their services. In addressing these it will make the goal of health sector
interventions improved and able to respond to the specific needs of MSM. Changing physician and ancillary health
provider’s behaviors is complicated and active strategies such as knowledge
translation tend to be more effective than passive methods[24]. The most well established model for a
structured training program for health care providers is the Guide to
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health developed by Fenway Health
and published by the American College
of Physicians[25]. There
has also been a model collaboratively proposed by the Desmond Tutu HIV
Foundation in Cape Town, South Africa and the Kenyan Medical Research Institute
for intervention with health care providers in the African context. Preliminary studies by these two groups have
shown that these interventions are both feasible and effective in the African context.
know that providing individual level interventions is not going to
significantly mitigate the adverse health outcomes of MSM in stigmatizing and
criminalizing contexts. Even with the
advent of effective biomedical interventions such as pre-exposure prophylaxis
and rectal microbicides, coverage and uptake of these interventions will be
limited in the absence of meaningful social and structural change. As healers, health care workers are given a
special status in society. Their
opinions count. In an ideal setting,
opinions of health care workers on issues related to the provision of health
care should not be swayed by political implications or religious beliefs. And as we now have evidence of a
disproportionate burden of disease among MSM in the African context as well as
that each of the guiding ethical principles of the provision of health care is
consistent with providing just, private, and beneficent care with dignity to
MSM, we believe that health care workers should be prioritized for intervention.
-Health Sector
interventions to position themselves as environment within which discrimination
and stigma due to one’s sexuality, orientation, gender and identity are not
basis for delay or denial to access services.
-Health sector to
inform policy and programme and be part of the machinery targeting elimination
of discrimination and stigma of all kinds.
-The health sector
interventions to focus on two primary determinants including increasing
clinical capacity of health care providers as well as increasing cultural
competence of health care providers in managing the needs of minorities.
looking Suggestions:
The health sector
interventions are focused on two primary determinants including increasing
clinical capacity of health care providers as well as increasing cultural
competence of health care providers in managing needs. The ground-breaking
training starts with understanding needs of MSM. A structured training programme for health
care providers will be implemented based on the Guide to Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Health developed by Fenway Health and The Healthcare Worker Training Intervention. The training program can be delivered to a
maximum of 10 participants per session and will include 6 modules. These sessions will be delivered at a central
site to key health care personnel who are have been involved in service
provision, willing and interested to take part.
The first module provides background on the epidemiology of HIV and STIs
among MSM in Sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on Southern and Eastern Africa and
countries with HIV epidemic patterns similar to Uganda. The second module will focus on describing
the relationship between stigmatizing health services and high risk sexual
practices. The third module will focus
on taking sexual histories in a non-judgmental way. The fourth module will focus on clinical
skills including physical examination techniques including pharyngeal and anal
examinations, and collection of clinical samples including pharyngeal
swabs. The fifth module will focus on
describing effective individual level HIV prevention interventions for MSM
including the use of condoms and water and silicone based lubricants. The sixth module will focus on describing
effective risk reduction counseling methods for MSM. The training program consists of both
didactic teaching as well as facilitated
discussion with participants. The
of this programme has indicated that the full workshop will take approximately
16 hours over two days including a one hour lunch break assuming the
participants have prepared by reading materials that will be distributed ahead
of time. The proposed health sector
interventions will be implemented with a team approach including
co-facilitators from Makerere University’s College of Health Science-School of
Public Health, physicians who provide services targeting MSM and MARPI
Initiative (National STD/Skin Unit, MoH, ACP/STD Programme) which was the first health provision point for MSM
community in Uganda, Johns Hopkins, and the Fenway Health team and will be done
for key health provision organizations that have been identified through
formative work by MARPS IN UGANDA and Johns Hopkins as willing to receive this
training. These organizations include
MARPS IN UGANDA (focal point), Makerere University School of Law’s HURIPEC, St.
Paul Reconciliation and Equality Center (SPREC), Civil Society Coalition on
Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL) across Uganda as well as the
Johns Hopkins Uganda STI treatment facility that provides STI and HIV treatment
in Kampala. Over 5 days, we anticipate
reaching 12 physicians and over 17 nurses, 15 behavioral health providers and
55 community health workers. These
targets are consistent with the emphasis on task shifting and referral, as well
5 participants will be lawyers who have helped in working on mobilisation of
MSM to seek health services and in turn will train others. Outcomes of these trainings will be assessed
from the perspective of MSM in terms of access, more culturally competent
services in Uganda and as part of a prospective evaluation of risk status and
disease burden among MSM in Uganda.
Additionally pre and post test assessments will be used to measure
changes in knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on MSM health needs and confidence
in ones ability to provide these services.
Special break-out sessions will be offered to nurses, behavioral health
counselors and community health workers.
The focus of these sessions will be around cultural competency, creating
a supportive environment for MSM and community engagement with NGOs serving
MSM. An important outcome of this
training will be that it is intended to serve as a model for the implementation
of health care interventions for other countries where same-sex practices
remain heavily stigmatized and even criminalized.
[2] FEM
Alliance, Empowered at Dusk, Tusitukirewamu Group, WONETHA, Lady Mermaid, MARPS
IN UGANDA, Mpondwe Women Health Effort reports
[3] FEM
Alliance, Blue Initiative, Empowered at
Dusk, WONETHA, Lady Mermaid, Mbale Health Action Group, Kawempe Health Action
Group, RADO, MARPS IN UGANDA reports
[4] Support
Initiative for People with Atypical Sex Development (SIPD) , MARPS IN UGANDA
[5] MARPI, MARPs Network, MARPS IN UGANDA reports
[6] FEM
Alliance, Tusitukirewamu Group, Empowered at Dusk, WONETHA, Lady Mermaid, MARPS
IN UGANDA, Mpondwe Women Health Effort reports
Uganda Harm Reduction Network, WONETHA, MARPS IN UGANDA, UYDEL reports
[8] Key
Global Policy Developments concerning MSM and HIV.
[9] Guidance for the prevention of Sexually
Transmitted Infections-PEPFAR, 2011, MARPS IN UGANDA, GALA Reports.
[10] The
Treatment 2.0 Framework for Action: Catalyzing the next phase of Treatment,
care and support -WHO, 2011.
[11] Achieving
an AIDS-Free Generation for Gay and other MSM-amfAR and Johns Hopkins School of
Public Health Report, 2011
Protecting Vulnerable LGBTI Populations: An opportunity for US Global
Leadership-2011, SPREC, FARUG, and SMUG reports.
Stigma and MSM: Barrier to Prevention-The Body, 2010/11, MARPS IN UGANDA
[14] Anova Health
Institute (2010) from top to bottom: a sex-positive approach for men who
have sex with men – a manual for healthcare providers.
Principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to
sexual orientation and gender identity
HIV and Gender Based Violence Prevention for LGBTI persons-safaids
UNAIDS Action Framework: Universal access for MSM/TG-2009
Policy Implications for HIV Services
JULY 2009
Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among
men who have sex with men and transgender people. WHO Recommendations for a
public health approach 2011
[20] A
guide for gay men with HIV Your sexual health-Terrence Higgins Trust
[21] 10
Essential Steps for “Getting to Zero”: Principles and Recommendations for
Addressing Key Populations at the UN 2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS
[22] MARPS
IN UGANDA with other facilities provide health care-related, psycho-social
services and refer legal-related issues.
[23] A private, non-profit and non-governmental organisation,
whose acronym in full is: Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services in Uganda. It offers
preventive, curative and rehabilitation services.
[24] Grimshaw, J.M., et al., Changing provider behavior: an overview of
systematic reviews of interventions. Med Care, 2001. 39(8 Suppl 2): p. II2-45.
[25]Makadon, H.M., Mayer, K., Potter, J.,Goldhammer, H., Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &
Transgender Health [2007, Boston: American College of Physicians. 544.
[26] Thanks to Stefan Baral
MD MPH CCFP FRCPC Associate Director, Public Health, Human Rights and
Marginalized Populations Center for Public Health and Human Rights,
Department of Epidemiology Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
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