The Red Book: A Record Of Resilience And Abuses Against LGBTIQQ And Allies in Africa

This project is called the Red Book. We attempt to document experiences of LGBTIQQ, their Allies and abuses against those said to be "homosexuals" in Africa and “Allies” ensuring dignity for all without discrimination.

We have used this same opportunity to share MARPS in Uganda’s turbulent story along the way. You will find this under This is our story.

We note the following pattern:

 1. Government or State sanctioned persecution
a) Police raids 
b) Social venues
c) Conferences geared at skills development
d) Residences
e) Political leader utterances

2. Blackmail and Extortion using
a) Social media based/cyberbullying
b) Deception to meet ( meet and grab)
c) Ransoming and threat to disclose/outing/naming/shaming
d) Hate Groups

3. Conflict with law or Heterosexual Norms in form of
a) Conflict with Sodomy penal codes (homosexuality = "gross-indecency" in most penal codes)
b) Imprisonment ( from 7-14 years)
c) Lynching
d) Shaming and Naming using various social media platforms
e) Eviction from houses once outed

4. Mismatch of expectations
a) Denial of services to enforce conformity
b) Space misuse by contravening admission statutes
c) Calling the police on someone in revenge acts or otherwise
d) Burnout

5. Resilience And Dissension Within LGBTIQQ Movement
a) Seeking asylum
b) Relocating as a reaction to abuses and lack of support
c) Selfless acts of altruism
d) Emergency redress
e) Documenting abuses
f) Establishing newsletters, newspapers and blogwebsite
g) Establishing self help organizations (CSOs)

6. Cronyism & Reductivist Tendencies
a) Elite LGBTIQQ leaders' nepotism
b) Same faces, Same spaces
c) Taking strategy out of planning

7. Healing Homosexuality by Religious organizations
a) Healing by touching
b) On camera renunciation
c) Healing by shocking

In doing the Red Book, we wanted to limit ourselves to a period 2000 and onwards. We shall use written, documented or reported stories. We hope this will be an archive to refer to one day when time comes to look into a past where LGBTIQQ and Allies were looked at as not deserving dignity. We also hope this will be evidence to prove that there were those who put in effort to promote self determination and critical human dignity. But this may not only be about LGBTIQQ. It may highlight conditions in which human dignity is respected. Africans escaping to other African countries hoping to get into green pastures may find it is a disappointing venture. See video: videos/488428058273575/

We are sure there will be those poring over what happened and what was done about it. We are not here to define "what" but we want to put down forms of abuses faced by LGBTIQQ in Africa. We want to show a story of resilience too.  We acknowledge the efforts of different Human Rights Defenders in the world in general and Africa. There are many people we can list here including our own meet-human-rights-activist
Stopping a scientific conference by a government just because it was organized by LGBTIQQ is curtailing various freedoms including free speech, association which increases interaction and exchange of information. This scenario was captured dear-hon-minister-of-ethics-simon.html. Disruption of social events is a common method used by repressive authorities and we hope to bring more you more examples including the disruption celebratory events. We continue to highlight other aspects of a restrictive political agenda through criminalization of homosexuality in re-introducing-anti-homosexuality-bill.html
Homosexuality is un African or it is imposed on us or Africa did not know about it or Africa knows about but Africans choose not to speak about it. And so on and so forth. These and many other statements are heard in many African countries. But, when they are uttered by leaders, they are misinterpreted by many who end up taking matters in their hands by lynching, beating, assaulting or causing harm to those they perceive to be of a different sexuality or orientation. See the title: Greedy West Imposing Homosexuality on Africa-Museveni. But, it turns out that "homosexuality" is interpreted differently among different cultures in Africa. In Kamba culture, a barren woman is allowed to marry a fellow woman in an arrangement referred to as Iweto or Kaweto. The marrying woman would then go ahead and perform all traditional rights such as paying bride price.

The newsprint is a good means to document events. We use the same means to generate this Red Book. It is a means through which the written word is recorded perpetually. It is a means through which language is put to use a brick to build a narrative. "Language reflects and reinforces social norms," said Area Mahdawi. We share with you the different means of how newspapers have been used to depict a way of life different from a Heterosexual norm. In depicting the marriage of a closeted gay man to a heterosexual woman, one sees an abounding pattern of pariahization, sensationalism at its best, syndicating same story,  bringing up over repeated sodomy codes, promiscuity, peadophilia, abomination and a sentencing of sorts (judge, jury, executioner!).   Having said that, the advocacy role of newsprint can not be dismissed. See: sex-workers-protest-amsterdam-better-laws.

Does the phrase "from frying pan to fire." mean something? Gay and lesbians in Uganda each have a unique experience. There are those who fled from Uganda after having exhausted all means to stay in Uganda. There are some who fled to Malawi while others fled to Kenya. A team in Kenya was convinced by those in Malawi to travel to Lilongwe the city of Malawi. But, it was a bad move. Follow the story here. Next door Zambia is not a best either. 
Not many LGBTIQQ leaders get the chance to deal with burnout. There are many stories of disillusion on the African continent. Some of them are captured here
Hate Groups come in many forms. There are those with logistical wherewithal to influence governments, social norms and can promote a language of hate. The groups can be formed in say, USA, but may have influence in Africa.  
Religion depicts troubles in light of Theodicy or a determinism in which God is on one side and the devil on the other. These organizations are known for their initiatives to heal or cast out the devil as one of the healing processes. There are many instances of healing by touching, healing by caning, healing by water boarding or some shock techniques which are opportunities to have them aired on TV too. Read some of these stories here: prophet-kakande-of-uganda-heals-lesbianismrebuttal to Pastor Oyeko on nature of homosexuality and an interview with a "healed" person in an-exclusive-interview-by-ugandan-gay.html. One can access what happens when a lesbian or gay person is said to be healed. See for instance what Pastor Martin Ssempa says at his Tweet handle following Val Kalende's issue. 

There is an inquiry sent to our own organization about Val Kalende from Pastor Martin Ssempa Do you guys have a comment on this? @nickopiyo @frankmugisha @hrapf_uganda @HRCUG @SMUG2004 @KashaJacqueline @KampalaGayNews.

Homosexuality is still perceived as evil. She should be guided to be able to bring her former colleagues from evil. This is from a member of Pastor Martin Ssempa's Church.

It was a field day. They can’t celebrate such good news ,they will wait for negatives.

Follow other expressions of fear and insights following Val Kalende's renunciation for the LGBTIQQ movement:

My take in all of these is ‘Consciousness and Conscience’ Consciousness in the sense that Kalenda is aware, articulative and comprehensible of her actions because she’s an adult, well learned, affluent and a leader. I believe she understands the burden facing LGBTIQ community in Uganda and Africa but her conscience allowed her to walk this part. Perhaps, ‘the heart of man is desperately wicked’. Who knows what informed her decision and how she came to this conclusion? It’s her journey and she should be allowed to live her life. But, we should ask the question, how was the foundation for LGBTIQ movement in Uganda Laid? Was the purpose for the movement building genuine? If the foundations be destroyed, what would the righteous do? Similar events have and still occurs in Nigeria. Folks going to deliverance and prayer houses, herbalist and traditional medicine homes denouncing their sexual orientation publicly and making odious claims of how they were initiated or coerced. It’s no surprise that African Christian Evangelicals are playing by the same script American Evangelicals played in order to initiate and constitute reparative therapy in Africa. This should be a major concern for the 🏳️‍🌈 community in the entire continent. In other to address and challenge this bigoted conspiracy to jeopardize aged successful advocacy and awareness for diversity and inclusion, the LGBTIQ movement in Africa needs to Unite. Unity is Strength. Unity from the grass roots up to the elite class. Personal growth and internal reformation, separating the wheat from the chaff. 

Sad news but I see her as a bisexual... Lesbianism is natural but so is child birth. I think she wanted to have a family and because of the stress and pressure of family and society not accepting her she caved in to the pressure. I cant blame her as the society does not allow Lesbian marriage nor decriminalized gay sex. This is the issue LGBTQ Activists must address.. Much as we are individuals we are a community and losing a big leader like this should force us back to the drawing board. I for one know it is Homophobia on steroids, secondly it is lack of legislation that caters for same sex psrsons and thirdly Education. South Africa is a shining Example of LGBTQ equality that makes it free for everyone to marry whomever they want. We need to work to make other African countries like South Africa.

Well said. If there is no Unity among the LGBT groups in Uganda, it is likely we will see many LGBT people going silent or denouncing their sexuality like Val. 


There are grounds for imprisoning those who intentionally pass HIV to others. This creates anxiety over relationship building and we saw this on the rise in the LGBTIQQ community. This anxiety is shared in the story /giving-another-hiv-knowingly-or.html. We had earlier documented what we termed the Red Album and this is the story in /the-red-album-neglect-disturbance.html


Social media apps are ubiquitous and they are used for many aspects including making and meeting new friends. however they are also used to gather data or information about the users and this can be used by the innovators of the apps to make commercial gains. But, when it comes to disclosing HIV status, it makes it difficult and we advocated on behalf of people living with HIV to have their status not disclosed because in the wrong hands it may be used for detrimental ends. This is in the story grindr-good-intentions-cyber-attacks.html


Transgender health is so central to our working timeline and we have very devastating stories we documented in:

We have reported about cases involving sexual assault and rape. These
 cases happen in different ways. Some of the cases we came to know of were known to us through our online counseling services. We have had to send money to beneficiaries via Western Union to help provide transport, rent for housing and upkeep following sexual assault and battery. This continues to be part of our dignity affirmation for LGBTIQQ Campaign. There are similar campaigns by different organizations which have provided support following: lynching, rape, impunity, arbitrary arrests, unlawful human trafficking, stoning,  exploitation, abandonment and disownment . These abuses go unpunished making it harder to report such cases. Blackmailing goes unpunished and is used by extortioners to rip off persons suspected of being gay. We hope these stories from Egypt,  ZambiaGhana, Nigeria.  Cameroon  and UN will help showcase how wide and across the board the range of pushback is: including relocation, fleeing one's country, income generating activities and alternative newsletters, newspapers and blogwebsites. 

There are other organization sources we relied on to compile this red book. We hope this will be a comprehensive and nurturing story. We do not want to be deficit! Using different sources, helps build a comprehensive narrative. For instance in their records, SMUG has used its resources to keep the following stories in and in form of publications such as smug-launches-publication-highlighting-human-rights-violations-of-lgbti-ugandans/. Those interested in the story where SMUG sued Scott Lively, a U.S.-based anti-gay extremist, for his role in the persecution of LGBTI people in Uganda, in particular his active participation in the conspiracy to strip away LGBTIQQ fundamental rights, see sexual-minorities-uganda-v-scott-lively.  

We broke or, we put into words, or were involved in many ways of highlighting abuses against persons whether they were LGBTIQQ or Straight. One common form is eviction from houses once one is outed.  We deplore the way Kabaka (King) Mwanga II is wrongly depicted by some in Uganda. King Mwanga II was a majestic ruler who had to balance his own kingdom’s legitimacy and at the same time play host to guests his father Kabaka Muteesa I had invited and allowed to stay. We deplored the abuses by many against LGBTIQQ and those who provided services to LGBTIQQ (including allies). In the paragraphs below we are going to spread wide and give you the background narratives on abuses from different sources. We wrote about the story of a KCCA officer who beat up a woman on the steps of KCCA-City Hall in the story-of-feminism-dignitism-and-lgbtiqq; we continued to document abuses and we shared the story of slave trade in Libya where we were told of stories of abuse and murders of Africans by Africans. Through our partnerships we were able to share The story of Farah, Kidane, Tyaba, Ochukwuchu, Ongom, and Jennifer are a representation of younger Africans who are also breadwinners. We brought to you the Kenya post election (2017) position article in lgbtiqq-refugees-cautioned-to-be.html. We defended a report that promised to be a model for those who were willing to make it possible for LGBTIQQ to get empowered to engage in self care in using-hiv-care-and-prevention-lens-to.html. This was in reaction to Pastor Dr. Ssempa Martin denigrating this report. We went against him using a synthesized review of the Tatchell report which we made readable by those who do not have training in social sciences, applicable and simpler. Through our writing we mourned the death of a Brazilian Transgender in dandara-brazilian-transgender.html. The Tanzanian clump down on LGBTIQQ self determination there is captured in tanzania-civil-society-groups-express.html.  We made sure, we document the abuses and assault faced by Ugandan LGBTIQQ just because of their sexuality and orientation in /lynching-same-sex-loving-persons-in.html. The scare context this creates is so traumatizing for many. It is no wonder many are escaping Uganda. After hearing the logic used to deny services to LGBTIQQ in Uganda, we developed a narrative to restore dignity (restorative narrative) in /human-rights-abuse-means-incapacitation.html. We wrote the argument siding with promotion of dignity and doing away with a culture of stigma and discrimination in in-post-aha-uganda-anti-hiv-activist.html. We brought you what it means to be a progressive and one with power to negotiate sexual citizenship in negotiating-sexual-citizenship-in-uganda.html. Due to a fear of rotting from within, a tendency of complacency in the LGBTIQQ leadership, we posited some strategies in i-dare-say-due-to-activism-fatigue-by.html. We, traced the leadership of LGBTIQQ-friendly organization such as MARPS IN UGANDA, FARUG, IceBreakers Uganda, SMUG, Spectrum Uganda and the like. In the same breath we linked David Kato to the story in a nurturant style in indefatigable-david-kato.html. We came up with a space to remember murdered LGBTIQQ including David Kato in david-kato-rest-in-peace.html. We made sure we gave another younger activist, Eric Ngobi a good send off in kampala-uganda-we-remember-ivan-27.html. We stood by Dr. Paul Ssemugooma who was facing deportation but that imminent deportation was stopped and the story is in htstop-deportation-of-ugandan-doctor.html. We showed how recognition motivates activism in zimbabwean-hiv-positive-feminist-martha.html. We shared the story of in which the experiences of LGBTIQQ Refugees in Kenya were highlighted. in on-verge-of-homelessness-in-country.html

There is a term used to describe one who was gay renouncing it. We have heard of former-gay, former lesbian, reformed former gay, reformed former lesbian or healed from gay life, healed from lesbian life and other times. The religious organizations tend to be behind this most of the times. Some claim to do it in the name of Jesus and make the point that it is not about sensationalism. It is like a badge of courage among pastors to heal congregants of homosexuality. Some do it off-camera while others do it on-camera. There is follow up backlash on many sides and this creates a storm of anxiety and fear even for the one who is making the renunciation. We bring you yet another story about Val Kalende.


This work is done by other organizations, as earlier intimated, and we bring you articles from sources such as Kuchu Times. In there one will find more stories on violence by accessing One can find links to anonymous reporting tools such as the one in -love-not-hate-campaign-creates-hate-crimes-reporting-tools/. Domestic or intimate partner violence is reported by two other Ugandan organizations in their papers in domestic-violence-the-unaddressed-issue-in-same-sex-relationships/addressing-violence-against-sex-workers.html and in intimate-partner-violence-ipv.html.  Kuchu Times reported in more detail the contexts of persecution in minister-lokodo-halts-ugandas-2018-idahobit-event/ and in uganda-violence-and-imprisonment-for-journalists-activists-and-ngos-heres-how-life-is-in-the-most-democratic-country-in-the-world/. Kuchu Times highlighted the factors behind immigration by LGBTIQQ in a very revealing article in dr-congo-mob-violence-against-a-gay-guy-in-kinshasa/.

It bills itself as a knowledge hub and in some of their articles, MARPs Network limited points out important barriers in using tested practices to end HIV or avoid HIV transmission. The stories are graphically captured in wearing-two-condoms-is-counterproductive/why-key-and-priority-populations-should-be-prioritized-in-the-strategy-to-end-hiv-aids/ and a success story in hiv-positive-mothers-thrive-on-peer-support/. For more of their erstwhile work look up:

Elsewhere, we collected the following for you too in flooding-endangers-lgbti-ugandan-refugees-in-kenya/#comment-19food-shortages-violence-still-plague-lgbti-refugees/ and many other stories one can find at The other source that is authoritative:

Nigeria has great resources one can tap into for stories such as the blackmailer in nigerian-homophobic-blackmailer/, the impunity around spreading lies about persons suspected of being gay,  the manipulation, labelling one homosexual to extort money that go uncontested,   the repercussions of being outed in a homophobic country are highlighted in promising-student-in-cameroon-outed-then-an-outcast/ and many other stories can be accessed if one followed: 

Hate crimes come in many forms instigated by the laws of the land, community leaders such as the political, cultural and religious. Botswana is one of the African countries pushing back against such crimes. One can read about the story of a pastor known to condone hate was deported from Botswana.  An interesting report on homophobia in Africa can be accessed and in it one will find African country by country reactions to homosexuality. Similarly a mapping tool characterizing danger spots in Nigeria is available as a document. 


We hope this project will continue to be used by you and honestly we do not mind if you took it over as long as you acknowledge us because this is our intellectual property. We came up with the idea of a Red Book! Hello! We shall endeavour to keep it updated. You are welcome to support us too. During the week when the world is gathered to hear about the latest from the HIV service world, in Cameroon a Transgender person was beaten by men whom police later set free without charges. Meanwhile the Transgender person was jailed. For more read about Dolores a popular-trans-woman-beaten-and-arrested-in-cameroon/

LGBTIQQ Refugees in Kenya still face unrest, unstable housing opportunities, arrest and displacement. More on this story can be picked up from this article.
On the death of Kawere Fahad, 21 years:

Driven, young, restless and focused begins to describe Kawere Fahad 21 years.  Rest In Peace!

The irony, this is a death that will not make it to Uganda Police files. Fahad was gay, those who killed him were aware of this, the case will be dismissed and hushed up. The family will try to press charges but they will soon give up. Rather suffer the loss than suffer the shame of a gay son. 

It is high time, the LGBTIPQQ raised the advocacy and profiles mission of their organisations. Investigate, press charges, make visible and document such cases. We know of organisations having funds, they can put put up largesse Annual General Meetings, with all the decorations, cakes the size of boats, refreshments that fill up dinner tables to breaking point. But, when it comes to cases like these, they are mum. KGN, has endeavoured to document LGBTIPQQ homophobic attacks and deaths under the title "Obituaries." But, with very limited resources we cannot send correspondents in all corners of Uganda.

For those who went to school with Fahad, they say it was so nice and a very wonderful experience hearing the words that came out of him.

For those who were his friends and worked with him, they say he was a team worker.

Those who heard him sing, they say he had very nice vocals.

Those who advocated for dignity of all persons, say he was as fiery when it came to making a point as he was in demanding fairness.

He had many friends. He had so many people with whom he interacted. Among those were the murderers who snatched his life.

News reaching KGN was that Fahad  was beaten, cut in pieces and later died from his wounds. This brutality still shows impunity and homophobic tendencies. This took place in Wakiso. It is said, Fahad was lured through online dating platform by persons who cut and left him to bleed to death. He was a dedicated member of House of Happy Family Uganda. The official statement from  Happy Family Uganda:

“Due to a homophobic attack and acts, the Ugandan LGBT community has lost such a handsome young soul Legit Fahad. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”

His friends, wrote a short eulogy in these words:

“It is heartbreaking that even after a long period of struggle for acceptance in the community, inhumane and merciless people still exist. Sad news Members, we have lost a soul. Shame to whoever killed such a promising young man. This is not supposed to be this way but those we love, they don't leave us, they always walk behind us silently and unseen Still loved dearly you have gone too Soon Fahad.”

Fahad, was a motivator who was articulate both in English and Luganda. He left uplifting words on his Facebook walls:

“I don't change to make someone LOVE me! I be myself and let the right one fall for ME  #F_A_C_T"

“Sometimes you gotta realise that the world is too beautiful to waste your time being angry and sad. When you could be enjoying what life has to offer <fact> WCW clear.”

“Kindness makes the most beautiful person in d wrld .. No matter wat u look like

Be happy. Dnt let the sadness destroy you
Say #Alhamdulillah to everything that happens to you #sìmpó_fêrhd"

“If the broken 💔 are always able to LOVE harder than most . I learnt to appreciate everything that SHINES🎆

“There's so many reasons as to why I act the way I do. But I don't owe anybody explanation.. “

“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.”

“The face is the mirror of the mind,💕 and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.”

"If you work just for money, you'll never make it, but if you love what you're doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours." "When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen." "A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it."

We hope he joins the heavenly choir and mimes this very song:

Kawere Fahad, 21 years old. Rest in Peace!

Kawere Fahad, 21 years old. Rest in Peace!

Kawere Fahad, 21 years old. Rest in Peace!

Some Pictures With Messages Promoting Critical Thinking

"Language reflects and reinforces social norms."
Area Mahdawi

Media's Portrayal of Homosexuality

Second Hand Clothes With Mottos

Cyber Hate Mail


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