Meaningful Interventions Targeting LGBTIQQ and Those in Sex Work in Uganda

If one wanted to get into pro-active/reactive human rights work, this is a glimpse from the records we have gathered since 2004-2018. Check out the 6 pillars we rely upon to do most of our work.
  • MARPS IN UGANDA is an organization of 72 smaller grass root CBOs. To that end we have been involved in advocacy for the organizations to gain self determination as well as other forms of community organization skills they needed to run their organizations. We have helped most of the CBOs to register and get certification. Between 2004-2018, we have spent Ugx. 1,000,000.00 which went to supporting organization development and community organization. We are happy we did provide this much needed grant writing, organization development consultancy work and cash assistance.
  • We have processed police release for some members who were facing incarceration and between 2004-2018, we have helped highlight the plight of  719 cases some of whom faced despicable hate crimes; we have provided toll free service telephony platforms which are accessible to marginalized persons; we provide anonymous counseling services; anonymous services helped those who contemplated suicide; we have supported those who needed housing; we have extended much needed cash assistance for some who needed transport to/fro clinics to pick up medications including those who specifically needed ARVs and anti-TB drugs; cash to purchase food, needed clothes, had to have post trauma counseling and some who needed our help due to arbitrary arrests by appearing at Uganda Police Stations to get bond and bail for them.
  • We have written and advocated on behalf of LGBTIQQ living with HIV and between 2008-2018 we have 127 on ARVs and we continuously ensure we check on them in order for them to keep committed to taking ARVs.
  • Between 2004-2018, we  have advocated for and ensured 273 LGBTIQQ who were evicted from their homes got housing and some form of work to ensure they earn a living.
  • With support from friends, we are able to keep an online social media platform running now that it is getting difficult to run a social media platform in Uganda.
  • We run one of the oldest Gay Newsletter in Eastern Africa.

Our unique experience in advocacy:

At MARPS IN UGANDA, we are a pioneer organization ensuring LGBTIQQ and those in sex work  have the best HIV Prevention and Care Services since 2002. Our motivation to do this kind of work was both out of dire need and an anticipatory gesture that one day we shall be called upon as a the go-to organization. We would like to improve our organization as far as pointing out what works in the fields of development, public health and legal areas. We are showcasing the intersection between HIV and the Law. We want to use this opportunity to build networks within which we can articulate on behalf of LGBTIQQ and those in sex work in Uganda. Our work has led MARPS IN UGANDA to assume the unique opportunity to be  one of the organizations in Uganda denouncing all sorts of  Human Rights related abuses. We have provided our resource center as refuge for Transgender persons and other LGBIQQ. We have built rapport with other better established organizations in case referral is needed. We hope to be one of the best organizations in uganda positioned in reaching out to marginalized persons.

Strategic mental health and development services:

  1. Recruiting and community organization
  2. Mobilization and outreach
  3. Networking and referral
  4. Health, HIV prevention and care
  5. Housing and Income Generating Activities
  6. Documenting, Reporting and Filing

Online profile of our organisation:


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