End To HIV/AIDS And The Crystal Ball; Why Africa Should Not Be Worried?

Whereas the Trump Administration sends mixed signals on the surface, a deeper analysis of the infrastructure in place to end HIV/AIDS shows that Africa should not be worried. USA is committed to ending HIV/AIDS more than ever.

Following the “thousands points of light” snub by President Donald Trump (45) against President G.W. Bush ( 41) there are those in the HIV/AIDS estate who felt snubbed too. They argue that snubbing Bush is a snub against HIV/AIDS. One American activist, by the names Mark Jones, who has lived for many decades with HIV had this to say: "A great deal of the infrastructure our current HIV response is built on, both foreign and domestic, was built by the Bushes; the Ryan White CARE Act was passed in 1990; PEPFAR and The Global Fund, in the early 2000s under Bush 43. Erase those, and HIV becomes AIDS Again.” Many in USA have come out with full force to decry these kinds of tangential references whether by Democrats, Independents or Republicans. No one is spared when it comes to social issues.

Dan Merica of CNN reported that the mission out of which the name “thousands posts of light” sprang was explained by the organization as follows: “In response to a request for comment, a Points of Light spokesperson directed CNN to a tweet posted Friday about the slogan's origins. ‘With these words, nearly 3 decades ago, our founder President @GeorgeHWBush ignited a spirit of volunteerism and inspired millions to be points of light in communities around the world," the foundation wrote, along with this quote and a call to learn more: ‘We can find meaning and reward by serving some higher purpose other than ourselves, a shining purpose, the illumination of a thousand points of light ... we all have something to give.’”

There are hidden fears, that need assuaging, felt by those living with HIV in USA became a reality when President Trump, dismissed what is known as the PACHA. PACHA in full is: Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. It was a clearing house on matters to do with HIV/AIDS. Created in 1995, PACHA provides advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding programs, policies, and research to promote effective treatment, prevention, and an eventual cure for HIV. It is was taken up as a model by other countries and organizations use its lessons to manage HIV/AIDS. We at MARPS IN UGANDA, have studied the different USA models and have adapted them to suit our approach to HIV Prevention and Care. You can see how we have reported about the models in we-like-our-job-we-never-quit-hiv-must.html or read meaningful-interventions-targeting.htmloptimal-arv-adherence-safaridedicated-to-volunteers-health-workers.htmlupdated strategic plan by most-at-risk-populations-society.

The saving grace is that whereas the HIV/AIDS activists were deeply critical of the White House’s approach, the 2018 fiscal year budget Trump that sought huge cuts to programs including $150 million on HIV/AIDS at the Centers of Disease Control and more than than $1 billion in cuts from global programs like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is not possible. 

President Trump has what he terms “America First” and this is reflected in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: “The Trump Administration is committed to protecting and improving the health and well-being of all Americans. To achieve this goal, we must continue to improve the effIciency, effectiveness, and impact of our efforts to prevent HIV transmission and improve the health of people living with HIV. The domestic policies and programs of the Federal government continue to be guided by the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and we are focused on working toward achieving the Strategy goals for 2020.”

In a very interdependent world, joined by the mortar of humanity, made sociable by trade, entrenched in goal-setting by politics and sharing resources, America will remain committed to end to HIV. This is seen through the recent reauthorizations: “Since its inception in 2003, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has received strong bipartisan support in Congress and through administrations, including two reauthorizations with significant majorities. The United States is unquestionably the world’s leader in responding to the global HIV/AIDS crisis.”

What Africa, has to do is to position herself as a recipient who is ready to commit to value-for-money principles. Principle number one being access by LGBTIQQ living with HIV in order to promote optimal ARV Adherence.

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