
Showing posts from July, 2018

Q and A Forum: Gays Like Straights Contribute To Economies

Q and A Forum: Gays like straights contribute to economies! Yes, they pay taxes, invest,  they are consumers of goods and services. Some are engineers, lawyers, scientists, politicians, writers and community leaders. A gay person deserves same dignity as a straight. Also see: Movie Industry

Q and A Forum: Anxiety and Worry

Q and A Forum: Anxiety and Worry? Anxiety prepares body’s natural threat response system. Worry is the ability to weigh ifs, pros and cons. The two prepare one for action and reaction. If one is impaired instead, then this is an anxiety disorder. For more: Do I have anxiety or worry?  

Q and A Forum: Elite Controller

Q and A Forum: Elite controller? A person whose CD4 cells are not killed off by the HIV virus. Meaning the the viral load is undetectable. Read up the BBC article for you to get a bigger picture. Matt is an elite controller. Source: BBC

A Ugandan- born American Human Rights Activist's Appeal Following Val Kalende's Renunciation Of Immigrant Benefits

The crow is a bird that gives other winged ones clues for where to find food and water. It never fails to find water or food, which as you are aware, enable other birds to feed, quench thirst or dip in the water to cool off on a really hot day. The only problem is that when so many birds decide to wash in this very water, it makes it so muddied up that they fail to drink it. There is a moral in this fable from Africa: in whatever we do let us not poison the well please! I watched    Val Kalende’s testimony  which was given in Luganda. I took time to transcribe it into English later, which made it accessible to many who are not Luganda speakers. Val gave her testimony at Pastor Bugingo’s crusade in Jjinja sometime in July 2018. After it was transcribed, more people made further comments and these comments are so varied and dizzying both in breadth and reception. At first I was watching and listening not to react beyond what the sensory stimuli provided. At the...

Q and A Forum: Viral load

Q and A Forum: Viral load; Amount of viruses in one's bloodstream. In case of HIV, viral load is a measure of viruses (virions) following a test to check whether one is taking their clinical dose of ARVs in the right time and amounts regularly. Attend weekly online health education spaces.

The Best Way To Ask Someone To Change

The ability for one to talk warmly and emphatically about relation issues requires preparation and a mental fortitude for restoration or restitution. It calls for one to engage roommates, classmates, co-employees and group members in conversation so that in case they need to talk about a sensitive issue it may not appear as if bullying is taking place. We want to share with you an article in which conversational skills geared toward warm restorative engagements are encouraged. In "The Best Way to Ask Someone to Change,"  By  Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD one will discover very important insights which are mutual as far as relations and calling out a disturbance go. "Is someone in your life doing the same upsetting thing to you over and over again? You have talked to them about it multiple times – you’ve asked, demanded, even nagged for a change – but the behavior just continues. So what do you? When it’s clear that pointing out the negative effects of...

Sleep Positions Affects Your Health

Web MD' S Sleep Positions Affects Your Health provides a clue on the link between one's quality of life, relations, self care and sleep. We are happy to share it with you.  "You turn off the lights and get yourself ready to snooze. Are you on your back, side, or stomach? Your sleep position can be linked to things like back pain, snoring, and how often you wake up during the night. It may even say some things about your personality. Belly Position Are you a tummy sleeper? If so, do you have problems sleeping? Your slumber pose may not be helping. You’re more likely to be restless and toss and turn to get comfortable when you sleep on your belly. It can strain your neck and your lower back, too. If this is how you like to sleep, you may want to use a very soft pillow or none at all to keep your neck comfortable. Belly Position: Freefall About 7% of the population sleeps this way. You lie on your belly with your arms around a pillow and your head tu...

Aging Gracefully

How you work during your lifetime is paid by how you age. There is that belief which may simply mean that quality life is an everyday task. In the article below Dr. Arefa points some crucial lifestyle activities one needs to engage in to maintain a quality life. This article is timely for planning about a time when one is no longer as active as they are or were when younger.  One Doctor's Plan for Graceful Aging By  Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH  see:  one-doctors-plan-for-graceful-aging.html "I recently got invited to a “Botox & Bagels Party,” and it really sent me into a tailspin. Am I at the age where I need a whole new arsenal to fight aging? Do I have age marks now that I’ve blissfully not noticed, but should? Am I missing out on something women around me are secretly doing to look younger? After the initial shock, and a long look in the mirror (both literally and figuratively), I took some time to reassess my antiaging regimen. Here’s my plan ...

Vaginal Dryness In Menopause

How to Treat Vaginal Dryness In Menopause By  Margaret Polaneczky, MD, Heather Rupe DO, Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH  "Sex is supposed to be fun, and it’s definitely not supposed to hurt. But one of the consequences of menopause is vaginal dryness, which for many women means painful sex. With the loss of ovarian estrogen, vaginal walls that were once elastic, expandable, supple and sturdy can, over time, become tightened and fragile. The vaginal walls can become as thin as tissue paper, unable to withstand the manipulation that occurs with sexual activity, and can tear and even bleed with intercourse. “Use it or lose it” When sex becomes painful, the natural response is to begin to avoid intercourse. But without continued sexual activity (masturbation counts, too), the vagina becomes even smaller and tighter, making a bad problem even worse. Add in a partner with erectile dysfunction and it’s not unusual for a woman to present to me not having had sex ...

I Do Not Enjoy Sex; It Is Painful

Painful Sex in Women  by  WebMD Medical Reference's Dr. Traci C. Johnson "Intercourse pain, or dyspareunia, can cause problems in a couple's  sexual relationship . In addition to the physically  painful sex , there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects. So the problem should be addressed as soon as it arises. What Causes Painful Sex in Women? In many cases, a woman can experience painful sex if there is not sufficient vaginal lubrication. When this occurs, the pain can be resolved if the female becomes more relaxed, if the amount of foreplay is increased, or if the couple uses a sexual lubricant. In some cases, a woman can experience painful sex if one of the following conditions is present: Vaginismus .  This is a common condition. It involves an involuntary spasm in the vaginal muscles, sometimes caused by fear of being hurt. Vaginal infections .  These conditions are common and include  yeast infections . Prob...

Keep Sex on Your Agenda While Pregnant

Pregnant? Keep Sex on Your Agenda By WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by  Trina Pagano, MD   "While the mere thought of  sex during  pregnancy  may give you pause, there is no reason to change or alter your sexual activity unless your  health care provider tells you to avoid it. Your baby is well protected in your uterus by the  amniotic fluid  that surrounds him or her. So intercourse or orgasm will do no harm. Your  health care  provider may recommend not having intercourse early in  pregnancy  if you have a history of  miscarriages . Intercourse may also be restricted if you have certain complications, such as  premature labor  or bleeding. You may need to ask your  health care provider to clarify if this means no penetration, no orgasms, or no sexual arousal, as different complications may require different restrictions. Communicate With Your Partner About Sex The key to ma...