World AIDS Day – 1 Dec. 2013: Honoring their Memories. Finding a Vaccine. On this World AIDS Day, IAVI pays tribute to the tens of millions of people who have lost their lives by reaffirming our commitment to finding a vaccine that will help end the AIDS pandemic.
“There has been tremendous success in treating millions with HIV over the past three decades,” said IAVI President and Chief Executive Officer Margie McGlynn, “but a great deal of continued commitment, innovation and persistence will be needed to realize the vision of a world without AIDS.”
Thanks to dedicated governments, donors, scientists, healthcare providers, advocates and communities, existing tools have brought life-saving treatment to almost 10 million people with HIV and dramatically reduced the number of AIDS-related deaths. But those tools still remain out of reach or of limited effectiveness for many who need help, and each year still brings more than 2 million new HIV infections. Sustained momentum, support and funding are crucial to get to zero – zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS-related deaths, zero discrimination – and to make sure that no-one is left behind.
It has been 32 years since researchers diagnosed the first case of AIDS. More than 36 million people have died. Another 1.6 million die each year. A vaccine will help us return to a world without the devastating impact that AIDS continues to have on individuals, families and communities.
IAVI and Partners Commemorate World AIDS Day |
On and around World AIDS Day, IAVI joined its partners in honoring the women, men and children who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS, in celebrating the successes that have been achieved, and in re-dedicating ourselves to the work that is still needed to achieve a world without AIDS. For example:
- IAVI and partners organized HIV testing and risk reduction education for communities in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Zambia, engaging people at considerable risk of HIV infection such as men who have sex with men and members of the fishing communities of Lake Victoria. In Uganda, IAVI participated in a special feature on a popular television programme to highlight the importance of HIV prevention among the nation’s fishing villages.
- IAVI partnered with the Naz Foundation Trust Care Home in Delhi, India, to prepare a special lunch for its residents, HIV-positive orphans from across India.
- In the US, IAVI was selected by the online media giant AOL as its “Cause of the Day” on 2 December and as the proud beneficiary of proceeds from a concert honoring the late Freddie Mercury, lead vocalist for the British rock band Queen who died of AIDS-related causes in 1991.
We take this opportunity to thank and honor all those who have given and continue to give so generously in the fight against HIV and AIDS—including the thousands of people who volunteer in support of clinical research; the leaders and advocates who educate, inform and rally their communities to advance these efforts; the funders and policymakers who ensure investment in HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, and the scientists and clinicians who push forward HIV research every day.
IAVI Connects with Local Stakeholders at Community Liaison Officer Meeting in Nairobi
At the November meeting of IAVI’s Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) in Nairobi, 17 community engagement stakeholders from Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia reviewed best practices in reaching out to communities with information on HIV prevention research. This outreach is essential to support prevention efforts and also plays a key role in engaging current and potential clinical research volunteers. Colleagues from IAVI and partner organizations across southern Africa shared achievements and challenges of working with difficult-to-reach groups like men who have sex with men, and coordinating with district and provincial health authorities, among other topics.
Current Options, Future Hopes: IAVI Senior Director Gwynn Stevens Delivers Closing Remarks at 2013 Biomedical HIV Prevention Forum in Nigeria |
Emphasizing the impact of biomedical technology in the fight against AIDS, the 2013 Biomedical HIV Prevention Forum in Abuja fostered dialogue between local and international stakeholders representing public and private interests in AIDS prevention. IAVI Senior Director Gwynn Stevens gave the closing remarks, outlining current options and future hopes for an AIDS vaccine and other HIV prevention technologies.
IAVI Underscores Importance of Sustained Support for AIDS Vaccine R&D at U.S. Congressional Briefing |
IAVI President and Chief Executive Officer Margie McGlynn highlighted the vital need for AIDS vaccine R&D at a special U.S. congressional briefing on 18 November, co-hosted by IAVI, amFAR, AVAC and theGlobal Health Policy Center – with support from U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-California). The briefingbrought together leading representatives from the U.S. National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, the U.S. Military HIV Research Program, the CGHP, AVAC and IAVI to discuss how a future AIDS vaccine could help get us to zero new HIV infections – a key component of the future global health agenda.
6 December at ICASA: IAVI Co-Hosts Pre-Conference Dialogue “Make Sense of Science” |
9 December in New York: IAVI Co-Hosts a Dialogue on Health Innovation |
IAVI, the Council on Health Research for Development and the Global Health Technologies Coalition will host a special side event during the 6th session of the United Nations Open Working Group to address the role of Innovation for Health in a new Development Agenda. The only official side event dedicated exclusively to science, technology and global health, this dialogue will bring together leading researchers and advocates to examine the role of health research and development in current global health commitments and future health goals for the post-2015 Development Framework. Please join us! Register here.
Will New Approaches for AIDS Vaccine Design Lead us into a New Era for Vaccinology?: Dr. Wayne Koff, IAVI’s Chief Scientific Officer reviews in the British Medical Journal Blog series, recent progress in the development of AIDS vaccine candidates that can elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies, 2 December 2013 December 1 is World AIDS Day: IAVI and commemorate World AIDS Day with a reflection on progress and potential - especially for an AIDS vaccine - as we look back at a quarter-century of commemorations since the first World AIDS Day,, 29 November 2013 To End AIDS, We Need a Vaccine: Dr. Rajat Goyal, IAVI’s Country Director in India, discusses his country’s progress in fighting HIV/AIDS and explains how “With dedication and perseverance, we can develop a vaccine, and make the end of AIDS a reality.” 28 November 2013 - English translation adapted from Huffington Post and ONE, both in German HIV/AIDS Research: What’s Hot Right Now?: ScienceWatch ranks IAVI and our affiliated scientists as having published HIV/AIDS research “at a level notably above papers of comparable type and age” in an assessment by Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators,, November 2013 HIV Vaccine Development, Combination Prevention, Antiretroviral Treatment Top Agenda as Briefing Eyes Progress Against 2.3 Million New Infections: Science Speaks Blog covers the above-mentioned U.S. congressional briefing co-organized by IAVI and quotes IAVI President and Chief Executive Officer Margie McGlynn on the importance of funding research in the development of an AIDS vaccine., 21 November 2013
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Eight-five percent of IAVI's revenue is dedicated to program costs. IAVI consistently demonstrates efficient management of resources, earning Charity Navigator three-star rating for good financial management, effectiveness, and transparency.
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