Being evicted from one's home is so demeaning!

Homelessness, shelterless and houseless; its causes, effects and tips on addressing them

Fleeing from one's home

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Source: Floods in Pakistani

Neglect and irregular diet

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Source: Tom Mukasa

Serene and scenic tranquility

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Source: Peaceful home setting


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Source: Natural disasters

Fleeing from insecurity

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Source: Asylum seekers

HIV stigmatization is linked to homelessness

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Source: Stigma is linked to evictions in many communities

Home burnt down

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Source: Al Jazeera

Home Bus Burnt down

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Source: Bus as a home gutted by fire

Abandoned chair

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Source: Anonymous

Stigma-related eviction from home and community

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Source: Stigmatization

Pursuance of happiness

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Source: Cricket game in Australia

The dream for a better life

This short report is written to bring to mind some of the major reasons that bring about homelessness.
A home:
A home is that space, an address where a person lives, feeds, has warmth, meets friends and has a room or rooms to sleep, wash, watch TV, have a car and enjoy privacy. In this environment a person has the basic needs met. These are: shelter, security, protection, food, water, warmth and health. Here one can have regular activities take place in an unaffectedly natural pattern. One can entertain visitors, one can do gardening, one can catch up on an unfinished novel or engage in personal, unique and private activities.

The factors that lead to homelessness:
There are factors that shatter the above scenario. These include: natural disasters such as Tsunami, pestilence, floods, wars and fires. The psycho-political-social issues are: political victimization, drug-use, sexuality, eviction, neglect, domestic violence and displacement.

The 5 dehumanizing effects of homelessness:
The homeless person faces five dehumanizing effects: lack of identity; irregular meeting of needs; ostracism; stigmatized and vulnerability. The pattern in which a person meet their needs is affected. Women, children and young people suffer most in this situation ( Children end up being fed poorly and in some cases they are given alcoholic drinks in desperation.

An example of good conduct by a homeless person:
The idea that homeless persons are a nuisance is a perception that gets them ostracized. But not all homeless persons should be judged as anti-social people. A homeless person was hailed for his returning a large sum of money to an owner. The money was in a backpack which was misplaced. The homeless person came across it and reported this. The owner later got back his pack with the money intact (

Different kinds of shelters:
A stadium, schools, hotels and hospitals serve as reception homes. In dire emergencies temporary camps are used too. There are smaller permanent places known as shelters where basic survival needs are met. These shelters serve as reception spaced during natural disasters or as a result of psycho-social issues named above. Reception for homeless persons is in various ways. In USA some shelters are registered. Many are not registered. Those that are number about 3,300 homeless shelters(

Natural causes of homelessness:
The natural disaster led homelessness as pointed out earlier can be in different forms. Below are some of those examples around the world:
1. Homeless because of fires
2. Homeless because of Tsunami
3. Homeless because of storms and floods (
4. Homeless because of wars
5. Homeless because of hurricanes

Human-led causes of homelessness:
The psycho-political-social led homelessness as pointed out earlier can be in different forms. Below are some of the examples around the world:
1. Homeless because of drug abuse and addiction
2. Homeless because of eviction
3. Homeless because of victimization
4. Homeless because of neglect and abandonment
5. Homeless because of sexuality issues
6. Homeless because of neglect
7. Homeless because of domestic violence
8. Homeless because of displacement

Dangers of homelessness:
There are dangers faced by homeless persons as they spend longer days and nights exposed to irregular feeding and weather. Homeless person's health, nutrition, hygiene and self esteem are affected.

Emergencies for immediate redress:
The immediate needs to address for a homeless person are: health, nutrition (, hygiene and mechanisms to restore self esteem and self confidence. These in turn improve on interpersonal relations which helps change the image of a homeless towards those who are not homeless and vice versa.

Long term action against homelessness:
1. Having portable shelter homes to be supplied in times of emergency (
2. Establishment of community education and dialogue platforms to change attitude towards contexts that bring about eviction, neglect and abandonment. Such themes need to cover: domestic violence, relationships, sexuality, gender variant persons, disability, aging and mental health. The idea is to promote dignity and respect
3. Establishment and enforcing laws to address minority issues e.g. Transgender students (
4. Establishment and enforcement at individual, community, social and political level respect and dignity for minorities (
5. Legalizing same sex unions (, sex_marriage_in_the_United_States).
6. Establishment of laws safeguarding use and conservation of resources with the environment being safeguarded following models in Denmark (
7. Have weather cast information shared, Plan ahead, ensure drainage systems have capacity to enable smooth flow of water in urbanized areas (
8. Establish emergence reparation units to address floods, fires diseases, human flight and catastrophes (,
9. Address social inequalities, migration policies, conflicts and displacement issues in various countries at UN and international level so as not to exacerbate effects of homelessness
(, ,,
10. Establish and maintain aid and welfare as an enduring facility to serve at national, non-governmental and private levels. This needs to be provided a context that will not be discriminatory or stigmatizing. Ensure individuals can navigate the systems effectively (, ,, ).

Policy level institutionalization to curb effects of homelessness

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Source: Social Security Act and USA

Sydney Down Town-Australia

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Source: Invest in planned urbanization

Homeless pan handling

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Source: Survival pleas

Mobile Shelter on Wheels

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Source: Reaching out to the homeless

Mobile shelter on wheels

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Source: Reaching out to the homeless

Homelessness and drug abuse

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Source: Link drug abuse to homelessness redress services

Deaths of immigrants-Lampedusa

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Source: Dangers faced by fleeing people

Migrants from Indonesia

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Source: Migrant policies need to address issues behind population displacement

Formal migration to Australia

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