Meaningful participation in conferences guide-17th ICASA

 Is this your first time at a regional conference on HIV? Do you know which session you want to attend? How can you make the most of your attendance at ICASA in Cape Town?
For the answers to these questions and more, download our Roadmap to ICASA for PLHIV.
The Roadmap introduces key sessions and activities that could be of interest to communities of people living with HIV. These sessions and activities represent opportunities to highlight issues from our perspectives, and to reiterate the importance of involving people living with HIV in decisions that affect our lives and the principles of Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention for people living with HIV.
In addition to highlighting the Youth and MSM pre-conferences, invitation-only events and the key sessions not to be missed, the Roadmap divides issues of interest into four key thematic areas:
1. Women’s health and prevention of vertical transmission 
2. Young people, youth leadership in HIV response
3. Key populations living with HIV
4. Treatment, care and support for people living with HIV

Now more than ever Targeting Zero
Positive Community: Networking for people living with HIV
The 17th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA)
7 – 11 December 2013
Cape Town, South Africa

Is this your first time at a regional conference on HIV?
Do you know which session you want to attend?
How can you make the most of your attendance at ICASA in Cape Town?
The purpose of this Roadmap is to introduce key sessions and activities that could be of interest to communities of people living with HIV. These sessions and activities represent opportunities to highlight issues from our perspectives, and to reiterate the importance of involving people living with HIV in decisions that affect our lives and the principles of Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention for people living with HIV.
In addition to highlighting the Youth and MSM pre-conferences, invitation-only events and the key sessions not to be missed, the Roadmap divides issues of interest into four key thematic areas:
1)     Women’s health and prevention of vertical transmission
2)     Young people, youth leadership in HIV response
3)     Key populations living with HIV
4)     Treatment, care and support for people living with HIV
The sessions highlighted in red are the ones in which key policy makers will be present. Make sure to attend, listen and ask questions! The sessions highlighted in yellow are those in which the GNP+ delegation is involved. Please show your support and solidarity by attending these! 
The Global Network of people living with HIV (GNP+)
GNP+ is the Global Network for and by People Living with HIV. GNP+ advocates to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV. As the only Global Network working with all PLHIV regardless of how they choose to network, GNP+ works with independent and autonomous regional and national networks of people living with HIV in all continents, as well as networks that include people living with HIV, including key populations and treatment access networks.
Take action @ICASA2013 
I. Get social
Have something to say? Stay connected and be part of the community.
If you tweet, update your status on Facebook and other social media platforms, please include the hashtag #PLHIV_ICASA in all your messages! The official conference hashtag is #ICASA2013.
Connect with us on Facebook to get instant updates on key events in Cape Town, and learn about the latest plans of community actions –
II. Join a PLHIV Caucus
GNP+ is convening a daily PLHIV Caucus during ICASA, supported by national and regional networks. The Caucus allows you to share your feedback on sessions you attend as well as prepare you for the next day’s conference programme. It is also an opportunity to highlight sessions, events, actions and other activities during ICASA you find important for our communities.
Where: PLHIV Positive Lounge
When: Morning (8.30 AM) and evening (7 PM) every day during the conference
III. Learn about Intellectual Property and access to medicines
Treatment Action Campaign, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition, Act-Up Paris and GNP+ are organizing a fun, interactive and educational one-day workshop to help you to better understand intellectual property, trade rules and their impact on access to medicines. You will be joined by local activists from the Western Cape. Lunch and drinks are provided! The workshop is open to community activists and PLHIV participants only.
Where: Fountain Hotel
When: 8.30 AM – 6 PM
How to register: You need to RSVP. Send an email to Ed ( and Lotti ( by 8 December 2013 at the latest.

IV. Take to the streets of Cape Town

A march is being organized for Human Rights Day, 10th December. The march has been organized by Treatment Action Campaign, the AIDS Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA), World AIDS Campaign, African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMsher) and GNP+. Whether you work to address issues around gender based violence, government accountability and health financing, universal access, or an end to criminalization based on HIV status, sexual orientation and identity or behaviors such as drug use or sex work, please join us!
This mobilization will be powerful and we need your to help make it a huge success. 
Where: In front of the civic center, DF Malan Road
When: 10 December from 10 AM – 12 PM

Youth pre-conference

5 December
14.00 – 15.30

Session Room 3, CTICC
Positive health, dignity and prevention: linking social, health and prevention needs of young people living with HIV within a human rights framework (GNP+ and Stop AIDS NOW!)

6 December
14.05 – 15.10

Session Room 1, CTICC
Community consultation on the new WHO guidelines on HIV testing, counseling and care for adolescents from key populations and those living with HIV (GNP+, AY+, UNAIDS)
6 December
11.50 – 13.00

Plenary room, CTICC
ICPD beyond 2015 and Post-2015: Young people’s engagement
6 December
15.10 – 16.10
Plenary room, CTICC
Accelerating SRH Integration into out-of-school YPLHIV Responses

MSM pre-conference
6 December
9.00 – 9.45
Plenary Sessions, Room A Strand Towers Hotel
Morning Plenary Session: The MSM community perspective
6 December
11.00 – 13.00
Session 2 Room B, Strand Towers Hotel
Using the stigma index in advocacy for access to health for MSM and MSM living with HIV in Africa

6 – 7 December
9.00 – 9.45
The Commodore Hotel, Waterfront
Models of community ART delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experience and lessons learnt and way forward (WHO)
7 December
14.00 – 16.00
The Westin Cape Town, Ballroom West Convention Square, Lower Long Street
The High-level meeting: the double dividend, aligning efforts to accelerate child survival and paediatric HIV treatment (UNICEF)

Key sessions not to be missed

7 December
9.00 – 10.30
Room 330 MR4, CTICC
Addressing the realities: involvement of key populations in HIV programming in Africa (IPPF, IAA, MSMGF, GNP+)
7 December
Plenary Hall (Eng/Fr), CTICC
Opening Session: Welcome remarks from community (Cyriaque Ako)
8 December
14.45 – 16.15
Room 620 (ENG/FR) Auditorium II
Holding African States accountable to the “Shared responsibility & Global solidarity” Roadmap: Role of civil society
9 December
14.55 – 15.40
Human Rights Zone
Skills building: Addressing the needs of young people from key populations (GNP+, Queer Youth Uganda, Spectrum Uganda initiatives Inc, Gender Dynamix South Africa, MSM Global Forum, NSWP, INPUD)
10 December
12.00 -14.00
The Westin Hotel, Ballroom West, Convention Square, Lower Long street
Launch of Global Guidelines on HIV testing and counseling and care in adolescents
10 December
12.45 – 14.15
Auditorium II (Eng/Fr), CTICC
New GIPA and Positive health, Dignity and Prevention (PHDP) – where are we?
10 December
14.45 – 16.15
Room 330 MR6, CTICC
Understanding the Global Fund new funding model
11 December
14.00 – 15.30
Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
Recommendation of the Global Commission on HIV & the Law: What does it mean for African communities?

Women’s health and prevention of vertical transmission

8 December
7.00 – 8.30
Room 620 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium II, CTICC
PMTCT implementation research – sharing of early lessons learned in the WHO CIDA INSPIRE project (UNICEF and WHO)
8 December
12.45 – 14.45
Room 3500 (ENG/Fr) EXH3&4B, CTICC
Integrated service delivery models to improve efficiency and continuity of care and treatment of HIV positive mothers and their children in the context of lifelong ART for all pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV (UNICEF)
8 December
14.45 – 16.15
Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
Leadership for change: Global Plan towards the elimination of the new HIV infections by 2015 and keeping mothers alive
8 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 3500 (Eng/Fr) EXH3&4B, CTICC
Women and children first – reverting new infections among children and keeping mothers alive
9 December
12.45 – 14.15
Room 330 MR6, CTICC
Gender-based violence
9 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 3500 (Eng/Fr) EXH3&4B, CTICC
Born HIV free – getting PMTCT to work
10 December
10.45 – 12.15
Room 840 Ballroom West, CTICC
African women leadership for the HIV response – myth or reality
10 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 840 Ballroom West, CTICC
Gender-based violence and HIV in Africa: Impact on girls and women. Role of boys and men.

Young people living with HIV & youth leadership in HIV response 
7 December
9.00 – 10.30
Room 620 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium II, CTICC
Youth-responsive policies, programmes and services: current realities in Africa (Population Council)
8 December
12.30 – 13.30
Youth Pavilion, Community Village, CTICC
Opening of Youth Pavilion (Michel Sidibe, UNAIDS, Louise van Deth, Stop AIDS NOW! and Annie Lennox, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador)
8 December
12.45 – 14.45
Room 620 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium II, CTICC
Young people today. Ready for tomorrow? Why adolescents and young people need sexuality education and health services in Eastern and Southern Africa
8 December
Session Room MR6, CTICC
Children affected by HIV: Social protection & Family centered approaches
8 December
16.45 – 18.15
Auditorium I, CTICC
Holding governments accountable: the role of youth
9 December
10.45 – 12.45
Session Room MR4, CTICC
Children telling their stories of living with HIV in Zimbabwe: Is the Reproductive health needs of adolescents living with HIV different from that of their negative peers?
9 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 1080 Ballroom East, CTICC
Children and adolescents
9 December
16.45 – 18.45
Intergeneration dialogues for achieving Zero infection
9 December
18.30 – 20.00
Room 330 MR4, CTICC
The role of civil society in promoting the sexual health of young people and preventing HIV transmission (UNESCO)
10 December
7.00 – 8.30
Room 330 MR 4, CTICC
Positive Thinking: Teens living with HIV tell their stories and seek answers (BMS)
10 December
14.45 – 16.15
Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
Access to SRH rights and youth friendly services for adolescents and young people
10 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 330 MR4, CTICC
Youth leadership: crossing cultures
11 December
10.00 – 11.30
Auditorium I, CTICC
What are my Expectations from my Church and Congregation as a Young Woman Living with HIV

Key populations living with HIV 
7 December
15.00 – 16.30
Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
The epidemiology of HIV and prevention needs among men who have sex with men in Africa (JHSPH)

8 December
10.45 – 12.15

Room 330 MR4, CTICC
Rights, violations and redress

8 December
16.45 – 18.15
Room 620 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium II, CTICC
Risks and challenges for vulnerable key populations
8 December
18.30 – 20.00

Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
Are key populations forgotten in the AIDS response in Africa? Catalyzing responses for 2015 and beyond (AIDSFond, UNAIDS)
8 December
18.30 – 20.00
Room 840 Ballroom West, CTICC
HIV among key populations in West Africa. Evidence to inform HIV prevention 2.0
9 December
10.45 – 12.15
Room 3500 (Eng/Fr) EXH3&4B, CTICC
Realising the sexual health and rights of LGBTi people in Africa
9 December
12.45 – 14.15
Room 620 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium II, CTICC
Monitoring policy and advocacy related to HIV and key populations: Concepts and approaches
9 December
14.45 – 16.15
Room 1500 (Eng/Fr) Auditorium I, CTICC
Key populations
9 December
16.45 – 18.15

Room 330 MR 4, CTICC
Biomedical options for HIV prevention: views, practices and successes
9 December
18.30 – 20.00
Room 1080 Ballroom East, CTICC
MSM programming: implementation lessons learned to improve programming and local ownership (PSI)
10 December
7.00 – 8.30
Room 330 MR6, CTICC
Promoting access to competent care for African MSM (Anova Health/ Health 4 Men)
10 December
12.45 – 14.15
Room 840 Ballroom West, CTICC
Launch of national sex worker programme in South Africa (SANAC)
10 December
18.30 – 20.00
Room 330 MR6, CTICC


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