Providing contexts for meaningful livelihood for handicapped persons.
Points to have in mind when planning a handicapped 'Friendly' Urbanized space
Handicapped and disability friendly built areas
subject excited and I took time off to compare two great cities: Vienna
and Los Angeles. These two gave me opportunity to develop a
photographic checklist. Please enjoy while you learn. If possible send
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Disability is not inability
Source: Tom Mukasa
Reading signs
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeAccessible lobbies
the wide berths and shelter are important
Source: Access is important
Locating a handicapped and wheel-chair accessible zone in a restaurant
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeAssociation and meetings
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeNeutral conveniences
Planning that has handicapped in mind.
Source: intelligent cities and urban areas
Accessible Neutral conveniences and washrooms
Plans that have all people in mind
Source: Accessible washrooms
Wide street sides
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeLarge crossings
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeDisability friendly side boarding platforms
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeSeparate lanes
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeSeparate lanes
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeHandicapped compliant urbanization
Handicapped Accessible Spaces
Urbanization to be well received and enjoyed by handicapped persons needs to have certain characteristics in place. Mobility adds value to our life and livelihood. Through it one is able to present before various audiences, attend meetings, go out, move away from uncomfortable areas, negotiate access, engage in commerce and pursuing happiness.
The conditions that make handicapped life rewarding:
1.The Attitude and personal readiness to venture out. The primary motivation to enjoy life lies within the handicapped person. This is what makes her or him not look at the disability as a negative issue but rather work towards gaining skills to lead a productive life. This way the handicapped can overcome isolation, forge ahead and gain skills. This is what happened to Helen Keller (, ,
2. The legal regime that uphold the liberty, life, rights, happiness, dignity and respect of handicapped persons. Civil rights laws have done so much to put into print the way handicapped in society is handled. The principle of equal opportunities ( is upheld.
3. The enforcement of laws (, ) addressing issues of handicapped persons has helped raise consciousness towards handicapped issues. It is a constant reminder and this puts the conscientization levels of communities at both an alert level and mindfulness.
4. The infrastructure involves: houses, roads, offices, getting to and fro down-town. It also involves maneuverability and technological skills (,
The characteristics of a handicapped friendly space:
1. Laws addressing handicapped persons.
2. An informed society that regards handicapped persons.
3. Penalties in place in form of warnings, community service, imprisonment and fines in case of assault, harassment and abuses.
4. Wheel chair accessible spaces ( elevators, offices, homes, roads and built areas).
5. Disability parking permits, notices.
6. Accessible services (social services, diners, educational facilities, recreation and work places).
7. Skills to maneuver a wheel chairs or read the Braille.
8. Manipulation of technological support tools such as traffic lights and elevator switches.
9. Separate lanes that show where lanes divide.
10. Wide street paved sides.
11. Street sides with barriers.
12. Street sides that have ample light and lighting.
13. Wide beveled and flat paved boarding platforms.
14. Wheel chair accessible apartments and living homes with short platforms and wide turning spaces for wheel chairs.
15. Recreation with life guards as stand by persons to look into safety of persons.
The four key conditions below need to be fulfilled for handicapped persons to enjoy a fuller life:
1.The Attitude and Personal readiness to venture out.
2. The legal regime that uphold the liberty, life, rights, happiness, dignity and respect of handicapped persons.
3. The enforcement of laws addressing issues of handicapped persons is a support mechanism for enduring upholding of dignity and respect towards handicapped persons. Reading and understanding signs and notices in cities.
4. The infrastructure through which the handicapped access, demand, negotiate and also provide services. This is the environment and context in which the handicapped enjoy life.
Reserved for persons with disability
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWheel chair friendly elevators
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeAccessible service counters
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeAccessible counters
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeEnforcing sharing space
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeTraffic lamp switches
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeSeparate lanes
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeStreet barriers
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeBoarding platforms
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWide street sides
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWheel chair accessible homes
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeLife guards to watch over safety of people
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWide Berths, beveled edges and smooth surfaces
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeFeatures of a wheel chair and handicapped friendly restaurant
Concerned people
Beveled access
No encumbrances
Dry floor
No threat of accidents
Smooth floor
wheel accessible
Enjoyment of life
Wide aisle
wheel chair accessible
Accessibility, interactions and happiness
Low wide table
Low chairs
Low noise
non interrupting
Ample light
The features and utility of a wheel chair accessible environment
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