Out of School Young People in Kenya

Training communities in Africa; a pictorial story

Themes on mobilization and logistical support

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Transport meansGood roadsOpen spacesOpen spaces are vital for meetingsYoung people engaging in activitiesYoung people at workLeaders going out to meet peopleUrbanization creates contexts for social engagementPurposeful planning
Transport means
Transport means
Source: Using night time to meet mobilizers ( moonlighting)

10 Rules to Making Young People own Tomorrow today

1.Identify a mission
2. Identify an organization or organizations that can accommodate your mission
3. Identify the young people to work with
4. Train the young persons to work both independently and at the same time promote the mission and objectives of the organization/s you have partnered with.
5. Hold regular meetings to give guidance and hear from the young people
6. Establish needs, resources and their use.
7. Provide reports in form of written narratives, blogs, and social media pages.
8. Identify leaders among the young people and encourage them to be accountable
9. Allow the young people to take on bigger roles intermittently.
10. Explore other people or organizations doing the same and partner with them.

Empowering young people in Kenya to participate in their community's Development

Kenya is a country in Africa and it lies astride the Indian Ocean on the Eastern side and at the other corner is the 2nd largest fresh water body in the world as its border on its south westerly side.
Around this lake in a city called Kisumu is where we were tasked to train a team of young people as peers for other young persons as they transit from college or university to the working world.

The education world

Young people go through a formal education in order to gain knowledge, skills and understanding of the community in which they live as well as the entire world. Education is supposed to empower beneficiaries with skills to analyse, understand and be able to contribute to well being.
In the education world, there are specific rules and a whole different culture. Beneficiaries build their own networks, entrench themselves in spheres that enable them achieve good marks in order to earn certification. There is hope for a job or engaging in activities or work one trained for.

The real world

The real world meets with the ideal education world and the two are apparently not so dissimilar. In order for one to seamlessly flow from one to the other, there are life skills one needs. The real world is divided into the: work, home/family, cultural or social world.
1. One needs to have qualification for a particular job or at least have a minimum of understanding in order to perform tasks.
2. One has to have an understanding of where to get services: legal, security, finance, health and referrals
3. One needs to learn to fit in society or one's micro/macro culture.
4. One needs to know who to turn to.
5. One needs to know where to turn to.

The adaptation skills

These are skills one uses to know or map out the working, social, finance, cultural and referral world. this world has other people drawn from a wider world other than the familiar one.
There is need to have the etiquette to hold others in high esteem, respect and in a dignified manner.
Young people are called upon to be respectful while at the same time be respected.
In the new real world are rules. Many of these rules have harsh punishments which include imprisonment.
The young person is called upon to know this and use this knowledge to fit in.


This model follows very simple applicable steps:
1. Identifying the young people who are in turn trained to be leaders.
2. Identifying tasks
3. Identifying organizations to work with.
4. Establishing "remuneration or non-salaried" work issues.
5. Accountability and leadership roles among young people.
6. Establishing community based registrable organizations.
7. Reporting mechanisms
8. Conduct in society
9. Drawing from the larger society
10. Young people should understand that they still rely on society.

Tapping into established institutions

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Rural communitiesBuilt environmentKenyatta HospitalClean and comfortable venuesMessagesSign postsHospital GroundsResidences
Rural communities
Rural communities

Logistics used in training and mobilization

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Planned outreach servicesHIV/ Aids and Development Drop in CentersSafe spacesCommitted leadersCommunication means that are appropriateCharts with informationLeaders discussingYoung people allowed to interact and own direction of eventsInformation, Education and Communication meansAll takeholders participate in running of activities
Planned outreach services
Planned outreach services

Planning Events

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Consultation from those who know betterHolding meetingsParticipation by allConducive venuesInvolving all in dialogueInteractive meetingsGiving all a chanceA meeting in progressEncourage conducting of meetingsMaking a pointOffice spacePurpose and having a missionOffice work in progressAnti-HIV charts with relevant messages
Consultation from those who know better
Consultation from those who know better

Promoting understanding of contemporary social issues in Africa

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Organization DevelopmentOrganizations fighting HIV/Aids in AfricaMission statementsTalking wallsMessages acting as remindersSpot visits, monitoring and evaluation of activitiesPhoto opportunity after community workSending field workers to their stations of workWorking in urban areasLogistical supportConducive venuesConsultation meetingsGreen spacesGreen SpacesTransport logisticsFoot soldiers ( storm troopers)Recreation Grounds
Organization Development
Organization Development
Source: Banners

Partnerships and Network Building

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Partnerships and networksDenouncing violence of any sortHealth facilitiesAccessible facilitiesHealth care agendaReaching out to all by any meansCommunity outreachCommitment SigningMOUs
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships and networks
 Last updated on December 21, 2013
Useful Funny Awesome Beautiful Interesting 

1 comment

DDE profile image
DDE 2 days ago from Dubrovnik, Croatia Level 8 Commenter
A well shared hub with valuable points made, always sa new hub with many different thoughts.
Status: Approved.
Tom Mukasa profile image
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