Deliver culturally competent care to LGBTI persons; Lessons From Zimbabwe
GALZ recently concluded training to 17 medical doctors drawn from around Zimbabwe .The training seeks to ensure that Doctors deliver culturally competent care to LGBTI persons, which has been shown to be successful in positively changing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care providers.
Reports from members of GALZ have consistently shown that they face barriers when attempting to access health care in Zimbabwe. MSM reported experiences of stigma from some healthcare providers resulting in lower access to HIV services and commodities such as condoms, lubricants, HIV testing and HIV treatment. It is important that healthcare workers are sensitized about LGBTI issues, their needs and practices in a bid to provide quality services in a friendly environment.
The Doctors expressed appreciation of the training, in particular, the insights on the structural, behavioral and biological components that increase vulnerability of MSM to HIV and STI’s. Commenting on the sidelines of the training, GALZ Programme Manager, Samuel Matsikure said that, “ there is need for further engagement on policy and service delivery by public and private doctors”. He expressed his desire to extend the training to doctors in other cities in a bid to increase capacity, raise awareness and have more referral sites for the community to access quality services.
The current Zimbabwe National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan recognises the need for interventions between MSM by listing them as a priority population to be targeted in order to improve access to HIV services for MSM, GALZ is embarking on a program to train doctors and nurses on how to provide competent care to MSM and WSW in the next three years.
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