Call For Abstracts

Call for Abstracts 
AIDS 2014 welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contribution to the field in the following five scientific tracks: 
Track A: Basic and Translational Research
Track B: Clinical Research
Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research
Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights
Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors

Abstracts submitted to the conference will go through a blind, peer-reviewed process carried out by an international review panel and final selection will be done by members of the Scientific Programme and Track Committees.

Online submissions open on 1 December 2013 and close on 6 February 2014. For more information
Abstract Mentor Programme 
The AIDS 2014 Abstract Mentor Programme provides an opportunity for early-career researchers to receive feedback from experienced abstract submitters. It aims to increase the quality of the abstracts, thereby strengthening the chance of young and/or less experienced abstract submitters having their abstract accepted for presentation. The programme is completely independent of the conference abstract review and selection process. 
Become an abstract mentor:
The programme is looking for people with experience in abstract writing to provide online support to junior investigators and less experienced researchers. Sign up today to be an AIDS 2014 abstract mentor!

The Abstract Mentor Programme is open from 18 November 2013 to22 January 2014. For more information
International and Media Scholarships 
The conference organizers are committed to making AIDS 2014 accessible to people from resource-limited settings and communities, researchers, young people, community activists and civil society representatives. Scholarships provide financial assistance to a number of people to help them attend the conference.

Applications will be open online through the conference profile, from 5 December 2013 to 13 February 2014, 24:00 CETRead more about the Scholarship Programme


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