Scott Lively: Russia’s anti-gay law ‘one of the proudest achievements of my career’

Scott Lively: Russia’s anti-gay law ‘one of the proudest achievements of my career’

KYLE MANTYLA | Right Wing Watch
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
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Scott Lively was the guest on Bryan Fischer’s radio program Monday, and while, unfortunately, they did not discuss Lively’s theory that President Obama is the Antichrist, they did discuss their mutualadmiration for Russia’s anti-gay crackdown.
Lively told Fischer that while he did not play a direct role in drafting the legislation, he does believe that a tour he made through Russia a few years back where he urged the implementation of just these sorts of laws served as a catalyst for legislation.
“I indirectly assisted in that,” Lively said, “and it’s one of the proudest achievements of my career.”

More from Right Wing Watch:

Linda Harvey of Mission America says GLSEN is leading an “assault on our chlidren.”
Matt Barber at Liberty Counsel claims every gay person knows “what they are doing is immoral, unnatural, and self-destructive.”
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