Gay marriage deconstructs ‘the very nature of what it means to be a human’


Brown: Gay marriage deconstructs ‘the very nature of what it means to be a human’

BRIAN TASHMAN | Right Wing Watch
Saturday, October 12, 2013
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This report is from a series of posts by Right Wing Watch, documenting this year’s Values Voter Summit, an annual political conference for social conservative activists and elected officials from across the United States. The summit is taking place in Washington Oct. 11-13.
Additional coverage of the Values Voter Summit from Right Wing Watch is here.

The marriage panel at Friday’s Values Voter Summit — which featured Tony PerkinsBrian Brown, Ryan Anderson and Jennifer Marshall of the Heritage Foundation — spent most of the time equating support for same-sex marriage with a loss of free speech for marriage equality opponents.
They suggested that people in jurisdictions that legalized same-sex marriage are not allowed to express their opposition to marriage equality (of course, this conference where speaker after speaker has denounced gay marriage is taking place in a jurisdiction — Washington D.C. — where gay marriage is legal).
Brown even asserted that marriage equality is “an attempt to deconstruct the very nature of reality, the very nature of what it means to be a human being.”
Heritage president Jim DeMint, who while serving in Congress advocated for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions, argued that “no one in government has the right” to legalize same-sex marriage, unless it is “the states, the people and the church.”
Additional coverage of the Values Voter Summit from Right Wing Watch is here.
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