17th ICASA 7-11 DEC 2013

ICASA Conference 2013 - South Africa info@icasa2013.org via pm1001.com 
7:31 AM (3 hours ago)
to me

The 17th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) will bring together thousands of clinicians, researchers, healthcare workers, academics, activists and media for the most important biennial regional gathering of its kind in Cape Town, South Africa in December.

This large influx of delegates to South Africa will undoubtedly place extra pressure on all ports of entry, and on South Africa embassies and high commissions who are managing the visa process.

The ICASA Organizing Committee would like to remind all potential delegates who will be travelling to Cape Town to ensure they have registered and paid for the conference. Potential delegates are also urged to obtain their visas early (if this is a requirement) to avoid any delays with entry into South Africa and the conference.
We would also like to remind potential delegates that once payment for the conference is received, proof of registration can be provided to embassies and high commissions to facilitate the visa process.

Registering for the conference is easy and can be done online at www.icasa2013southafrica.org.
The importance of the conference has further been highlighted by the confirmation that H.E South African President Jacob Zuma and the President of Malawi, H.E. Joyce Banda will attend. South Africa’s Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledia and the former President of Botswana, Mr Festus Mogae, will also be present.

Delegates can also follow the conference on Twitter at @ICASAConference.


Issued on behalf of 17th ICASA Secretariat
7 – 11 December 2013, Cape Town, South Africa


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