Kampala Tatler #4: Moratopia
This little book, called Moratopia, is written for all who want to do something about their oft procrastinated engagement in social justice activities.
- Sometimes man sometimes woman
- Firmly man always masculine
- Firmly woman always feminine
- Firmly man sometimes feminine
- Firmly woman sometimes masculine
- Sometimes man always masculine
- Sometimes man sometimes masculine
- Sometimes man sometimes feminine
- Sometimes woman always feminine
- Sometimes woman sometimes feminine
- Firmly man sometimes masculine
- Firmly woman sometimes feminine
- Deus’s helper
- Deus’s helper’s Dog, Canine
- The book, the Libri, the Livre, the biblio: Forms of proposals through which grants can be accessed
- Oversee: Another name for the Treasury whose grants can be accessed through proposal-writing.
- The bench-mark: The Society’s declaration of independence and Constitution
- The Straight Code: Rules of managing Society while Deus is gone
- Not-see Broadly: The Society’s only newspaper with two sections; ‘the cover story’ and ‘another development’
- The Values: be systematic in conducting yourself ( Principle); be conscientious and considerate of self ( Personal); Employ learnedness and skills ( Profession); Be driven by the desire to participate (Passion) and; Aspire to set and meet standards (Principal)
- The two dimensional aspirations: To see change ( Revolution) and to see change shared (reform)
- The four touchstone aspirations: Utility; Totality; Morality and; Authority
- Verbs describing persons: Humanness (the degree of difference of similarity in human growth, development and normativity) and human-likeness.
- Diva-humanness: A contraption of diversity in humanness
- Straight diva-humanness: Term for those who walk ahead with straight faces forward
- Slider diva-humanness: Term for those who walk back not only in sport.
- Bar 1: The context in which Authoritarianism is encouraged and upheld. Adherents include people who believe in eugenics, in their superiority because they walk straight ahead and if possible the introduction of laws to weed out lesser humans.
- Bar 2: The tendency to promote Authoritarian totalitarianism
- Bar 3: The tendency to look at all people as human beings whose liberties need to be upheld.
- Bar 4: The tendency to promote Authoritarian utilitarianism
- Bar 5: The tendency to promote Moralitarianism
- Tier 1: Leadership levels of persons 30-79 years
- Tier 2: Leadership levels of persons 17-30 years
- Open chubby 1: A process of reaching the Society leadership without going through a community representative through proposal-writing.
- Open chubby 2: A system of reaching the community leadership without being subject to open meetings. It can be through proposal-writing or letter writing using any of the books.
- ‘See Change’, is a group formed by elite sliders that has promoted visibility of sliders and has the support of many people.
- ‘Change shared’, is a group formed by rural-grass-root based and other disgruntled sliders wishing to have their issues addressed.
- The forms of management: The management styles arising from the touchstone aspirations or a mix of any of them.
a) Utilitarian: Stressing value of practical over aesthetic qualities
b) Totalitarian; of or designating a polity whose main characteristic is considered monolithic unity upheld by authoritarian means.
c) Authoritarian: characterized by or favouring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom.
d) Moralitarian: characterized by or concerned with favouring, promoting, rewarding and judging absolute goodness over any form of badness of human action or character.
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