Kampala Tatler #24: What Uganda Shillings One Billion (1 bn) Provided To LGBTIQQ Can Do

In a society where such issues like quorum, transparency, eminence, upliftment and value for money prevail, goals are met.

People take sufficient pains to find gainful employment and as far as HIV goes, it can be possible for care to become the yardstick of actualization.

We got news of how much money was given to Uganda to support the LGBTIQQ. Uganda Shillings One Billion between 2014-2019

Uganda Shillings 1 billion! Or USD 264,371.5710

Yes! All that money was provided so that the LGBTIQQ Community could build institutional structures for self determination! Most of it was supposed to link the LGBTIQQ to HIV resilience norming structures.

If it weren't for the illusions of fancy and indecent enthusiasm, the Ugandan LGBTIQQ Community would be in position to meet the UNAIDS 95:95:95 i.e. increased testing; linked those with positive diagnoses to ARV therapy; ensured those taking ARVs meet suppressed viral load. But alas! The depraved taste of greed!

Talking HIV alone, that amount of money could have done so much to reach 220 LGBTIQQ Living with HIV. 

  • Could have provided 250 venues for confidential HIV counseling
  • Could have been used to conduct 500 HIV testing, STI and Hepatitis testing events
  • Made it to provide 500 events for Violence-resilience, Stigma/Discrimination, Trauma-Informed-Care and Prevention-Informed-Peer Education and Trainings
  • Provided 500 events for HIV Case Management
  • Provided 500 Housing linkage & Advocacy opportunities
  • Trained 1,000 Peers as part of the Community Owned Resource Peer (CORPs II)
  • Provided opportunities for 500 events targeted for Youth
  • Provided 500 Couples’ services, 
  • Provided 1500 LGBT services' events
  • Provided 500 community education programs on HIV, STIs, viral Hepatitis
  • Provided 500 harm reduction seminars
  • Provided opportunities for 300 Long Term Survivors’ services
  • Provided opportunities for 500 HIV Prevention cultural competency events
  • Provided 500 communication on HIV transmission and early timely entry into care for people living with HIV/AIDS events.
  • Ensured 300 events for participants with high risk practices are retested in a timely manner
  • Supported 75 LGBTIQQ-led organizations to maintain files, including contact information, for clients tested
  • Enabled 75 LGBTIQQ-led organizations to submit regular reports regarding testing, education, and outreach activities
  • Empowered a cohort of 150 LGBTIQQ Peer leaders to assess barriers to care, assist beneficiaries with negotiating barriers, and advised care teams of impacts to plan of care
  • Provided support to 150 Community Owned Resource Peer leaders (CORPs I) to assist PLWH in accessing care, and improving health outcomes
  • Made it possible for 1500 peers to share knowledge of the principles and practices of preventative care and chronic health maintenance through meetings and other social media platforms
  • Conducted 1500 counseling events thereby improving on growth and development knowledge base 

When the LGBTIQQ next has the chance to get hold of Uganda Shillings 1 billion to fight HIV, there is need to make sure it is rightly invested. This time around, we have seen what your egos meant to the entire LGBTIQQ Community. You destroyed the chances of rolling back HIV. Step aside and leave the experts bring the goal of UNAIDS 95:95:95 back i.e. increased testing:linked positive diagnoses to ARV therapy:ensured those taking ARVs meet suppressed viral load.

Source: www.nyas.org


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