Kampala Tatler # 26: The Four Tumours Of Arrogance

There are four Tumours of arrogance the LGBTIQQ Community should avoid.

The first tumour of arrogance: Those who have and think all this happened because of their own doing. It is called the Entitlement arrogance.

The second tumour of arrogance: Those who have and think God favoured them beyond others. It is called the God complex arrogance.

The third tumour of arrogance: Those that have but end up despising those without. It is called the Pharisaic arrogance. 

The fourth tumour of arrogance: There are those who think they have but in actual fact  they have not. It is called the Dreamer arrogance. 

Arrogance not only distances one from people but it is a manifestation of insecurity. It makes leaders repeat mistakes, cherish incompetence and continue pulling everything down with them even when they think they are performing.

  • Among the LGBTIQQ are those who have managed to access funding and formed a protective sheath around these funding mechanisms
  • They use their positions to make remarks, criticize, deny references, proselytize and design hard canons which they themselves cannot follow
  • Accumulate opportunities and deny others chances to grow and develop
  • Get in the way of other LGBTIQQ trying to break through
  • The funders therefore make it hard for upcoming organizations to access funding
  • This leaves one or two LGBTIQQ organizations that can access funding
  • It means the same organizations that have received funding will continue getting funding opportunities
  • There will be poor coordination and hence low quality outcomes 
Don't stand in the way of development, when you do you set the LGBTIQQ Community back !


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