The Tale of Two Hearts: The Anti-Homosexual Bill In Uganda
One heart reasons with emotional misogynistic eloquence and the other with logical inclusive eloquence.
Law and the processes of jurisprudence in
Uganda, like most former British colonies, borrow heavily from the English
Common Law.
In Uganda the Common Law is conflated with what many call tradition. Normativity is one such example in Uganda which is not spoken about exhaustively especially if it questions the toxic masculinity status quo. If a lady withholds the salary of a female house help, that is understandable! Almost all child mothers one sees in Uganda presently, are as a result of the unplanned for sexual intercourse that occured during COVID-19 pandemic Lockdown in many households. That they need care is hushed up. But bring the subject of those gay, homosexuals, the "elephant grass eaters," the boot openers," and communities will come to the town hall in droves.
Heteronormativity is well protected,
preserved, promoted and it provides mileage or public leverage for anyone who
picks up a mike to say anything making heteronormativity visible and other
forms of normativity invisible, censored and an opportunity for a "red
badge of courage!"
There are some who are looking to be the best
performers in a Parliament whose Hansard is scrutinised for how many private
members' bills one has sponsored.
The emotional versus logical as far as the
populace in Uganda goes. The populace is known for electing the one who talks
and shouts louder. Talking and shouting louder on over 200 FM and TV stations
contributes to one's mileage and this assures the loud mouths (pardon my
American) a second or third term!
Talking and shouting aspersions against other
forms of normativity is a sure deal, a home ground topic for many who aspire to
get into elective politics in Uganda.
But, this is a boomerang test for legislators who are passing draconian, suppressive, restrictive and oppressive laws. There is talk that conservatives from a country X are behind what is happening in Uganda. Uganda has been a testing laboratory. We await to see how the tried and tested products will be rolled out in other countries. Numbers of women who die in child birth, children who die of Malaria, villages buried under landslides, communities facing starvation.....are issues that no longer matter. The Nazis forced Jews to wear David's star. Being gay or any suspicion of gay in anyone is a stigmata in Uganda.
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