Reduce Green House Gases And Make The World A Better Place For All

Renewable energy like wind and solar depend heavily on the steel and cement industries. Reducing emissions from these industries to protects the planet.

Agriculture, industrial mechanisation and other forms of human action contribute to emissions too.  Working toward decarbonisation is important in reducing human-made Green House Gases (GHGs).

According to Caranci et Al., (2021),  decarbonisation refers to all measures through which a business sector, or an entity – a government, an organisation or a community – reduces its carbon footprint, primarily its greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), in order to reduce its impact on the climate.

You too can engage in ways to stop or reduce carbon gases, especially carbon dioxide, being released into the atmosphere as the result of a process, for example the burning of fossil fuels.

To achieve deep decarbonisation, we need to rethink how we produce and consume energy and operate a radical switch to renewables and low carbon energy sources. In practice, getting to zero net emissions requires switching to clean energy sources and shifting from fossil fuels to electricity. “Electrification, efficiency, clean fuels and carbon capture play critical roles to varying degrees, underscoring the need to pull all levers in pursuing climate change measures,” cautions Caranci et Al., (2021). For more see:,fuel%20switching%2C%20and%20carbon%20capture.

Why we need decarbonization. Rapid and focused decarbonization is essential to the future of our planet. The increase in energy efficiency will have many positive consequences in the short and long term, including bettering air quality and temperatures worldwide.

Decarbonization can be thought as having four main constituent parts: energy efficiency, electrification, fuel switching, and carbon capture.

Plant the trees, embrace a conservation-conscious mind, be mindful of where you throw trash, pick up after you, switch to energy efficient methods and join other environmental care champions.

There is a link between high and severe TB/HIV/Malaria/Viral infection incidence in different countries to climate change. Rising temperatures are ideal for mosquito breeding, soil nutrient depletion is linked to poor food harvests and to malnutrition which is linked to poor immunity. The list goes on and on. The Advocacy Network Africa (AdNetA), joins many orgnisations to set aside time to engage in strategic activities to heal the planet. Healing the planet may contribute to reduced infections and breaking transmission cycles. One of the activities involves galvanising communities to participate in reducing emissions. But what exactly is emissions or decarbonisation? Read to found out how AdNetA is breaking such words down so that they become actionable.


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