Dear Parliamentarian (2019) Letter: The Love Where One Leaves The Beauty of A Woman And Settles For A Fellow Man-2019

The Love Where One Leaves The Beauty of A Woman And Settles For A Fellow Man Dear Parliamentarian; In this letter to you, I attempt to highlight or trace: What compels us to denounce homosexuality The people behind denunciation of homosexuality The rationale behind the denunciation Where outlawing homosexuality gets it wrong The ideology of homosexuality The biology of homosexuality The theology of homosexuality Homosexuality is not the pressing matter Ugandan Parliament makes it to be And please, stop using the term "homosexuals" or "homosexuality." That is oxymoronic. It is also equivalent to tying someone up and expect them to carry water at the same time. Or eating your cake and expecting to have it at the same time. The people you are dealing with are called: neurodivergent gender diverse persons. This letter is about the love where one leaves the beauty of a woman and settles for a fellow man. It is also about the love where one leaves the man and settles ...