Tusitukirewamu Group Celebrates 23 Years!

Tusitukirewamu Group Bwaise with a membership of 390 is a women-led organization that started in 1998. 


Our major aims: to be the go to for Safe Motherhood, parenthood, childhood,; provide opportunities to incorporate Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) lifespan events in day to day planning and conversation to promote SRHR equity and optimal SRHR seeking practices; to mobilize women and girls into anti-stigma, anti-discrimination champions; to address the rampant domestic violence and abuse; to join the stable housing coalition for low income earners; to attach and care for OVCs; to enrol many participants Clinical Trials; to be the urban model for community response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Kawempe Division.


Tusitukirewamu is a model semi-rural and urban support space with extensive experience working with government and private practitioners in these key areas: Putting OVCs into school or placing non-school going ones with benefactors; HIV/AIDS care; scaling up youth-friendly adolescent and youth SRHR services; empowering health consumers especially Children, Adolescent Young Girls and Women (ADYGW); advocating for more access to essential quality medicines for the poor and vulnerable slum dwellers in Uganda through ensuring quality medicine assurance and access by using accredited drug-shops and pharmacies. 


The history of our organization is rooted in/ around Human-Rights Based approaches to care and quality living. We work with Orphans/Vulnerable Children whose parents died of AIDS; we are the support space for children former children forced into sex-work; we are the rehabilitation space for boys and girls seeking alternative income generating activities other than sex-work; we are a Post-Test Club for many beneficiaries; we provide workshops to improve livelihood for our beneficiaries. Our hands-on approach is both evidence-based and dignity affirming. This is how we align with human rights, gender equality and equity outcomes. At the grassroots we operationalize the SDGs, MOH goals and the ActionAid goal whose slogan is toward a world free from poverty and injustice. Our priority is to work with local leaders, media houses, FBOs, CSOs and viable CBOs. 


The CBOs are our point of contact and immersion, we apply jointly developed timelines. We strategically network with and engage women, men and the youth to participate in initiatives that promote access to: micro-credit; IEC; Income generating activities such as the Mushroom or Poultry breeding; courts for domestic violence cases; access to education; translating national policy such as about housing, health and development; operationalizing and translating national guidance and training needs; ensuring consistent supply and distribution of health improving services; building community awareness and demand; and provide safety emergency relocation for post domestic violence and abuse. This is all possible due laying down a firm foundation.


Tusitukirewamu’s vision is “Together for a sustainable Development” and the organisation stands for equal rights for all, irrespective of sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and social status.


Tusitukirewamu’s principles establish that we will promote human rights, equality, and a just distribution of power and resources between all individuals, including women and men. We address the disproportionate concentration of power and resources in the hands of politically connected men.


Tusitukirewamu considers that strong popular participation and organisation are crucial to change power relations. Women’s influence and organisation must increase to participate on equal terms with men, while men’s participation in gender equality efforts needs to increase in order to realize these goals.


Tusitukirewamu establishes partnerships with individuals, and institutions / organizations that share our values, including gender equality goals.


The organization’s objectives include: to empower women, girls and vulnerable children to access socio economic services and live a dignified life, to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence against women and children, to advocate for resource allocation and inclusion of women’s and children priorities in the local government plans and budgets.


At 23 years, we are so proud and grateful to all the support you have shown us.

We are here, we are committed to continue serving.


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