The anti-TB Plan 14th July to 20th July 2021

Advocacy Campaign
14th June to 20th June 2021

Monday theme:

It is possible to be part in COVID-19 and TB Prevention. Wear the mask.

Tuesday theme:  

Your community can be COVID-19 and TB-free. Wear the mask.

Wednesday theme: 

TB and COVID-19 must not win. Wear the mask, hand-washing and social -distancing.

Thursday theme: 

If you have TB, take anti-TB medication fully. Guard against COVID-19 too.

Friday theme: 

TB and COVID-19 Prevention are possible at community level.

Saturday theme: 

Take part in the anti-TB and anti- COVID-19 Campaigns.

Sunday theme:  

TB and COVID-19 must not win. Hand-washing, sanitizing, social distancing and the mask are important.


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