World Mosquito Day 2019: 20th August

A Check out USAID Global Health for health info. This article is picked up from their website

" A mosquito bite is annoying for everyone. But for millions of people around the world it can also transmit deadly and debilitating illnesses such as malaria, Zika, lymphatic filariasis, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, and dengue. 

The mosquito’s ability to rapidly spread disease makes it one of the world’s most deadly creaturesand a top priority for the U.S. Government.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) provide critical funding for programs that fight mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Over the years, preventive tools such as insecticide-treated bed nets have been highly effective at protecting millions of lives.

But mosquitoes are constantly evolving, so USAID is finding new and innovative solutions  to fight mosquitoes and continue saving lives.

Learn more about USAID’s fight against malariaZika, and lymphatic filariasis."
Cone bioassays (pictured) hold mosquitoes against insecticide-treated walls to confirm they remain susceptible. Photo credit: PMI Vectorlink/Uganda.


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