Three Reasons Why It Is Easier To Abuse The Black Race: Dignity Of Persons As a Responsibility of State

Why is it possible for a Black people to look the other way, witness, tolerate, accommodate or engage in what is known as "Black on Black" hate crimes and mostly do nothing about it?

There are some answers to this rather loaded question:
  • Historical Hegemonic Identity Perpetration: Many Black nations were colonies of European or Arab countries. The norm was as follows: un questioning deference was expected from Blacks in the presence or absence of Colonists (Whites and Asians). These ones made sure that they let it be known that anything Black was backward, Satanic and inferior. Blacks were paid as long as they maintained and ensured deference to Whites and Asians. When the African nations gained independence, systems remained that ensured this deference was perpetuated overtly and covertly. At the top position of the totem pole is: White, Heterosexual Male and the rest fall in line. The Black Person is at the last rung, the Black Homosexual is way down below the Black Person!
  • Black African States Connive against Black Citizens: We saw that when the African nations gained independence, systems remained that ensured this deference is perpetuated overtly and covertly. When Black African countries cannot invest in infrastructure which in turn improves standards of living of those citizens, this is the Alpha of all problems. It means those citizens would rather leave in the hope of finding greener pastures elsewhere. But when Black citizens are exposed to hostilities in these other countries but cannot report these back to their home countries, then it is a betrayal of the highest order. Cases of Black citizens raped, battered, ransomed, having internal organs removed and disappearances are common. When Black Citizens show concern, then they are dismissed (a concept known as ‘externalization’).
  • Impunity, Xenophobia And Abusing The Privilege of Citizenship: Blacks have not explored the fact that  provisos of self preservation, self esteem, self determination, agency and autonomy can be affirmed within and beyond borders. It is not surprising that they do not appreciate their privacy and the fact that they are self determining. This is the true meaning of “Citizenship.” Many rather rely on and wait for what their government decree about their own private lives. The power of collective homogeneity is not explored when they are living in countries other than their own home countries. They may not form Diaspora support organizations. Or, if these Diaspora support organizations exist, many may not subscribe to them. Citizenship is not fully explored. This means that they do not have structures to address xenophobia and impunity against them as immigrants, new citizens, permanent residents, short term employees, foreign students, transit immigrants or undocumented persons.

So, do not be surprised when Parliaments of Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya pass anti-homosexuality Acts. Or can deny that their citizens (especially girls or women in doing domestic chores) are facing torture in other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Thailand and other countries where they go for short term jobs. Do not be surprised when communities engage in extrajudicial beatings (assault) or killing (murder) of other community members.

Uganda Parliament: MP Nsaba Buturo tables Anti-Homosexuality Bill
Kenya puts out an official statement that her female Citizen committed suicide but the evidence points to different occurrences 

A male Roman Catholic Brother, is murdered by one of the boys he has had sex with on many occasions. 

                                          Beating a boy said to be gay!

These organs can be harvested easily from Black people because their states can easily deny their existence and can never follow up if complaints are raised!


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