Anti-TB, Anti-COVID-19, Anti-Malaria and Anti-HIV work 19th July to 25th July 2021

Monday theme:

We wish all those suffering from COVID-19 a quick recovery. Meanwhile please, support grassroots-based healthy living Activism. Promote healthy messaging. Avoid overcrowding, wear the mask, keep at home and Hand-washing. Be part of the COVID-19 and TB Prevention efforts.

Tuesday theme:  

COVID-19 is real. It kills, but it can be avoided too. Take the test where possible. Find out about signs and symptoms. Keep at your home or within your community. To prevent COVID-19 and TB fully join the prevention plans around you.

Wednesday theme: 

We send our prayers of healing to all those who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. Wellness is for and by all. TB and COVID-19 are preventable but it requires your input. Avoid crowds, wear the mask, hand-washing and ensure social -distancing.

Thursday theme: 

We call on all of you to do something about prevention. If you suspect TB or COVID-19 go for testing. Please seek medical attention, take medicines.

Friday Theme:

COVID-19 can be prevented. Your participation makes prevention of TB and COVID-19 possible. Make sure your household and community are spaces for avoiding COVID-19 or TB. Travel less, congregate less and wear the mask.

Saturday theme: 

You too can do something. Join a grassroots-based initiative or be involved in different ways for you to take part in the anti-TB and anti- COVID-19 Campaigns in your community. Show up and be counted by engaging in prevention activities please.

Sunday theme:  

When you follow the guidelines, you contribute to fighting diseases such as COVID-19, TB, HIV and Malaria. Don't sit back. Don't fold your hands. Dont allow TB and COVID-19 to prevail. They must not win. Tips on what to do: Vaccination, Hand-washing, sanitizing, social distancing and wearing the mask.


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