A Stop TB Campaign Concept Note

Stop TB Grassroots Based Strategy 

We collaborate with many other actors in the effort to end TB.

In 2019, the 30 high TB burden countries accounted for 87% of new TB cases.

Eight countries accounted for the 2/3 of the total TB burden with India leading the count, followed by Indonesia, China, the Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and South Africa according to the Global Tuberculosis Report: WHO

The components of the Stop TB Strategy include:

1. Pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and enhancement

2. Address TB/HIV, MDR-TB and other special challenges

3. Contribute to health system strengthening

4. Engage all care providers 

5. Empower people living with TB 

A world free of Tuberculosis-zero deaths, disease and suffering due to Tuberculosis

Milestones for 2025:
a. 75% reduction in Tuberculosis deaths as compared with 2015

b. 50% reduction in Tuberculosis incidents rate to less than 55 Tuberculosis cases per 100,000 population

c. No affected families facing catastrophic costs due to Tuberculosis

Targets for 2035:

a. 95% reduction in Tuberculosis deaths compared with 2015

b. 90% reduction in Tuberculosis incidence rate to less than 10 Tuberculosis cases per 100,000 population

c. No affected families facing catastrophic costs due to Tuberculosis


1. Government stewardship and accountability, with monitoring and evaluation

2. String coalition with civil society organizations a s communities

3. Protection and promotion of human rights, ethics and equity

4. Adaptation of the strategy and targets at country level, with global collaboration

The pillars and components:

1. Integrated, patient-centred care and prevention such as prevention, treatment, care and organizing communities offering support.

2. Bold policies and supportive systems such as universal health coverage, social protection and addressing determinants of Tuberculosis.

3. Intensified research and innovation such as optimizing implementation, impact and promoting Innovation.

It is our hope that your continued support will foster wider participation by people in testing, screening, treatment and preventing TB.

For more on the above information, please read the CDC, MOH, WHO and Stop TB sources.

We are committed to the end to TB Campaign through strategic grassroots-based activities.



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