Sign the Civil Society Declaration for 2021 HLM on HIV/AIDS

 The Multi-Stakeholder Task Force for the 2021 High Level Meeting on AIDS is thrilled to be launching the HLM 2021 Civil Society Declaration.


There is a crisis in the HIV response. Over the last five years, the world has failed to meet any of the targets for prevention, diagnosis and treatment set out in the 2016 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, with progress on HIV prevention lagging particularly far behind. The 2021 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS – and the Political Declaration that results from it – is the last chance to create sustained momentum for the policies, programmes and funding that are needed to end HIV as a global health threat by 2030. 

Now more than ever, evidence-based responses and renewed political will are called for – especially in face of the additional burdens imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to focus efforts and resources where they are most needed, we call for a Political Declaration that: 


  • RECOGNIZES explicitly who is most at risk of HIV 
  • ACKNOWLEDGES why this is so 
  • COMMITS to fully fund and support effective responses 
  • HOLDS ACCOUNTABLE Member States for their actions

As a team, we are proud of the hard work that we have done collectively to make this document a reality. We want to commend the Multi-Stakeholder Task Force and its Advisory Group for their efforts to bring the voices of our diverse communities to the table despite the limited time. The Civil Society Declaration builds on the UNAIDS regional consultations, over 700 survey respondents and input from the Multi-Stakeholder Hearing Civil Society Debrief.

We realize that it is impossible to craft a declaration that includes everything that everyone in our diverse HIV movement would wish for, but we hope you will find that many elements of the HLM 2021 Civil Society Declaration are aligned with your organizational priorities and that your community can take it and run with it.


Access the declaration here.


We are asking organizations, networks and institutions to endorse the declaration. The more support the declaration receives the stronger it becomes as a tool to support advocacy with country delegations and missions leading up to the High-Level Meeting and the adoption of the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.

Sign the declaration here.



Arben Fetai

Head of Policy EU


T:  +32 2 235 0911

M: +32 494 235 909



Rue de Trèves 59-61, fl. 2, 1040 Brussels, Belgium



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