Kawempe Division Anti-TB Grassroots Based Initiatives-KADIATI 2021-2022

 Kawempe Division Anti-TB Grassroots Based Initiatives-KADIATI 2021-2022


 Who are behind this project?


Most at Risk Populations’ Society in Uganda (MARPS In Uganda) and Tusitukirewamu Group found in Bwaise of Kawempe Division in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).


Describe the Communities, Rights and Gender work and associated key achievements of your organization. (200 words)


Kawempe Division is the largest of all constituencies that make up the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). We are an organization led by women and men who are looking after children and persons living with HIV/TB and Orphans and Vulnerable Children. Our work's main objective is to ensure housing and care through rights-based approaches. We work with different CBOs such as the Most At Risk Organization serving LGBTIQQ living with HIV. We also serve sex-workers and refugees all of whom have fears and insecurities. We have worked with the Ugandan National TB/Leprosy Prevention Initiatives as well as the grassroots efforts streamlining TB/HIV/Malaria Prevention since 2000. This is how we have aligned CGR and all key achievements such as the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lung Diseases in which Uganda through the MOH has provided guidance.


What problem does the project propose to address? (150 words maximum)


We shall reach out to 100 beneficiaries to continue taking medication while at the same time hold Community events to promote health education and regular check-ups. Our hope is that we shall use these events to generate the critical Anti-TB integrating COVID-19 Prevention services at the grassroots.


What is the vision of the project, i.e. what change do you hope to see? (50 words maximum)


This is a drive to eradicate TB. We want to be the Anti-TB hub model in Kampala Capital City Authority. It is our hope that many CBOs will visit us to copy and repeat our best practices at their local areas. We address stigma; vulnerability to TB; and enshrine equitable inclusion for all beneficiaries.


How does the project integrate principles of Community, Rights and Gender? (in 150 words maximum)


Taking services to the communities enables them to present their felt experiences e.g. need for TB medication, need for testing, involving women, the youth, leaders and making sure appropriate community plans are implemented.  This falls into the National, UHLM, StopTB and other UN or WHO goals to eradicate TB.


How does the project align with national priorities (100 words maximum)?


We contribute to TB, leprosy, and  a reduced burden of lung disease. We shall mainstream Uganda's NSP in our 2021-2022 strategic plan. We we shall be able to: raise awareness about where to seek care anywhere in the health system with quality TB, leprosy and lung health services; reduce vulnerability and risk for TB disease; encourage screening for TB and treatment TB infection; and strategic mainstreaming of UHC.


How does the project align with global TB priorities and the current environment (150 words maximum) Of note: impact of COVID-19 on TB, UNHLM targets and commitments, national / regional /global CRG and accountability initiatives and reports, among other information and evidence sources)?


Kawempe Division has high TB incidence by age and sex due to the following characteristics which call for TB eradication efforts to include emancipated grassroots-based teams. Our Division has major health facilities; is a dormitory for many Kampalans; as well as having thoroughfares, by-pass trunks and the TransAfrica Highway suburb with many scattered  and overcrowded townships. Our strategic grassroots work will contribute to bringing down the TB burden,  improve TB case notifications, ensure we link identified persons to universal health coverage and social protection, support TB/HIV care in new and relapse TB patients, connect those with drug-resistant TB  to care, build critical treatment success rate and cohort size for MDR/RR-TB cases started on second-line treatment, new and relapse cases registered, new and relapse cases registered, maintain COVID-19 Prevention hand-washing facilities at 25 points.


How does the project leverage previous or existing initiatives /investments that advance TB CRG? (100 words maximum)


Tusitukirewamu Group and the Most at Risk Populations Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) are the lead community organizations implementing strategic effective Anti-TB drives with many other CBOs. We run grassroots anti-TB advocacy led by key populations e.g. sexual minorities, stigmatized persons and sex-workers. These are affected persons empowered in strategic peer -to-peer mobilization skills to achieve UNHLM targets and commitments integrating COVID-19 prevention. All actors engage in implementation of strategic interventions that foster TB prevention integrating HIV/COVID-19, DRTB and TB Prevention.


How will the project continue and be sustained after the CFCS grant period (100 words maximum)?


We work through the Uganda Government Local Government Structures including Faith Based and CSOs. This collaboration leverages CRG to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and to reach the UNHLM 2022 targets beyond the CFCS grant period. We tap into the public service providers with access to quality-assured diagnostic testing, preventive therapy and end to TB stigma. Kampala Capital City Authority has local resources to execute strategic interventions that foster TB prevention integrating HIV/COVID-19, DRTB, TB Preventive treatment on a recurrent basis.


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