Kawempe Division Anti-TB Grassroots Based Initiatives-KADIATI 2021-2022

Kawempe Division Anti-TB Grassroots Based Initiatives-KADIATI 2021-2022 Who are behind this project? Most at Risk Populations’ Society in Uganda (MARPS In Uganda) and Tusitukirewamu Group found in Bwaise of Kawempe Division in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). Describe the Communities, Rights and Gender work and associated key achievements of your organization. (200 words) Kawempe Division is the largest of all constituencies that make up the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). We are an organization led by women and men who are looking after children and persons living with HIV/TB and Orphans and Vulnerable Children. Our work's main objective is to ensure housing and care through rights-based approaches. We work with different CBOs such as the Most At Risk Organization serving LGBTIQQ living with HIV. We also serve sex-workers and refugees all of whom have fears and insecurities. We have worked with the Ugandan National ...