WALAI Leads Two Other Organisations in Uganda to Animate Planned Self-Esteem Community Based Activities

Various organisations which animate Health Promotion Activism (HPA) formed an umbrella to support each other. In Uganda, three joined hands to animate The International Day of  Living Together  In Peace which falls on: 16th  May 2020. This is the Self Esteem Movement Building-Uganda (SEMBU).

They are: South and Western key Populations AIDS Prevention ( SWKPAAP);  Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS In Uganda) and Wave of Legacy Alliance initiative (WALAI). The teams  participated in a "COVID-19 loser 'Do no harm' Campaign."

They were introduced to the significance of the theme 'taking health in our hands' and the links between: health literacy; health governance or organising and healthy communities.

Through the gained confidence they were able to plan, coordinate and engage in Strategic public health promotion, wellness and quality life advocacy activities.

See their pictures and please send them good vibes!


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