Sexual and Reproductive Health Counselling and Guidance Campaign 25th May 2020- 8th June 2020

Sexual and Reproductive Health Counselling and Guidance Campaign 

25th May 2020- 8th June 2020

Project Name: Sensible And Safer Practices


Strategy: 25th May 2020

Goal:27th Wednesday May 2020

Importance of reproductive health29th Friday May 2020

Impact: 2nd June 2020

25th Monday, May 2020

Strategy: Set yourself up for a healthy experience

It is advised that you are aware of your sexual and reproductive self. It means you have to think about the consequences of your sexual and reproductive decisions. Consider the self and social perspective of these two dimensions. With respect to the general sexual health needs, take time to

Ø Set goals, design strategy and understand impact

Ø Define sexual and reproductive health according to your sexuality, gender and identity (both political and cognitive)

Ø Assess the sexual and reproductive health status and needs.

Ø Read about current information, education, and counselling regarding sexual health

Ø To learn the skills needed to achieve sexual and reproductive health. Motivational interviewing and other counselling techniques may be employed to encourage patients to adopt healthier sexual practices.

Ø Acknowledge feelings, attitudes, and norms that may be obstacles to the achievement of individual sexual health, and use this information to assist in establishing realistic goal.

Ø Participate in continuing education to maintain knowledge and practice competence with respect to sexual and reproductive health.

Ø Be aware that your own values and lifestyles impact your sexual behaviour.

Ø Be aware of how your own values may influence practices.

Ø Be aware of resources that may be accessed by boys, girls, men and women in need of specialized sexual and reproductive health care. These may include

a     contraceptive education and care

b    pregnancy termination

c     Pap smear

d    prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of sexually transmitted infections and education about their prevention and effects

e     preventive education and therapeutic intervention for victims of sexual coercion

f      assistance around fears and sexual dysfunction

g     treatment of infertility or other issues.

26th Tuesday, May 2020

Negotiated Safer Sex: Find out information and avoid risky practices

You should

1.   Be aware of where to access IEC on safer sex

2.   Know you are not obliged to prove anything

3.   Seek IEC on safer sex practices regularly

27th Wednesday, May 2020

Goal: Knowledge Development, scoping, adopting and adapting health promoting lifestyles

28th Thursday, May 2020

Know The Sexual and Reproductive Dimensions of Your Life:

Sexual and reproductive health definition

Reproductive health implies that people are able to have a responsible, satisfying and safer sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so or not to do. It means that one is provided IEC so that they can make health promoting sexual and reproductive related decisions. According to WHO, sexual health can be attained and maintained when the sexual rights of all persons are respected, protected and fulfilled.

29th Friday, May 2020

Importance of reproductive health

Reproductive health is about those measures intended to reduce unwanted pregnancy and risk of sexually transmitted infections. According to the World Health Organization, reproductive and sexual ill-health accounts for 20% of the global burden of ill-health for women, and 14% for men. It is a crucial feature of healthy human development and of general health. It may be a reflection of a healthy childhood, is crucial during adolescence, and sets the stage for health in adulthood and beyond the reproductive years for both men and women.

30th Saturday, May 2020

Importance of sexual health

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.

31st Sunday, May 2020

Importance of Sexual and reproductive health and rights or SRHR

Sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sexual and reproductive health and rights or SRHR is the concept of human rights applied to sexuality and reproduction. It is a combination of four fields that in some contexts are more or less distinct from each other, but less so or not at all in other contexts.

1st Monday, June 2020

The components of reproductive health

Family planning

Dealing with sexual dysfunctions and infertility.

Services for providing safe abortions

Management of complicated abortions

Genital Hygiene and Health

2nd Tuesday, June 2020

Impact: You will most likely acquire critical awareness of the consequences of your decisions and actions

Apply Knowledge and Make Informed Sexual and Reproductive Decisions:

The WHO defines reproductive health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infirmity. Reproductive health involves all of the reproductive processes, functions and systems at all stages of human life. This definition implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Men and women have the right to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice that are not against the law. Furthermore, men and women should have access to appropriate health care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. Reproductive health is a universal concern, but is of special importance for women particularly during the reproductive years. However, men also demand specific reproductive health needs and have particular responsibilities in terms of women's reproductive health because of their decision-making powers in some reproductive health matters. Reproductive health is a fundamental component of an individual’s overall health status and a central determinant of quality of life.

3rd Wednesday, June 2020

Engage in Sexual and Reproductive Self-care:

The WHO’s definition of reproductive health specifically highlights the importance of an individual’s right to maintain their own sexual health status. Sexual health is the integration of emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of sexual being in order to positively enrich personality, communication, relationships and love. The three fundamental principles of sexual health are: 1) capacity to enjoy and control sexual and reproductive behavior; 2) freedom from shame, guilt, fear, and other psychological factors that may impair sexual relationships; and 3) freedom from organic disorder or disease that interferes with sexual and reproductive function. Reproductive health further implies the right to satisfying and safe sex life. This includes the ability to reproduce, but also the personal freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Both men and women have the right to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning that are not against the law. Reproductive health should also be understood in the context of healthy relationships in which there is an understanding of the balance between fulfillment and risk. Reproductive health contributes enormously to physical and psychosocial comfort and closeness between individuals. Poor reproductive health is frequently associated with disease, abuse, exploitation, unwanted pregnancy, and death.

4th Thursday, June 2020

Deeper Connection with Yourself:

Reproductive health is a crucial feature of healthy human development and of general health. It may be a reflection of a healthy childhood, is crucial during adolescence, and sets the stage for health in adulthood and beyond the reproductive years for both men and women. Reproductive life span does not begin with sexual development at puberty and end at menopause for a woman or when a man is no longer likely to have children. Rather, it follows throughout an individual’s life cycle and remains important in many different phases of development and maturation. At each stage of life, individual reproductive health needs may differ. However, there is a cumulative effect across the life course, and each phase has important implications for future well-being. An inability to deal with reproductive health problems at any stage in life may set the scene for later health problems. This is known as the life cycle perspective for reproductive health.

5th Friday, June 2020

Gain a Rounded Awareness Linking Culture to Sexual and Reproductive Health:

Reproductive health describes multiple components of health status and is essential in the development of social, economic, spiritual, and mental well-being. For this reason, reproductive health research is a diverse field that encompasses numerous disciplines. This diagram from the WHO demonstrates the different components of reproductive health research while emphasizing that each component remains part of one single unit of investigation. Society and culture play an important role on the outcome of reproductive health status.

6th Saturday, June 2020

Link The Contribution of Hormones to Sexual and Reproductive Health

Different types of hormones are responsible for different processes in the human body. For example, there is a group of hormones responsible for the reproductive processes of the body. These are known as reproductive hormones and are responsible for many different processes related to sexual development and reproduction. Estrogen is a type of reproductive hormone and is the primary female reproductive hormone. Estrogen promotes the development of breasts and regulates the process of the menstrual cycle. Details of the menstrual cycle will be described in further slides. Progesterone is another type of female reproductive hormone. It is responsible for many processes during pregnancy, including the development of the fetus in the mother’s womb. Luteinizing hormone, known as LH, is yet another female reproductive hormone. LH is essential for female reproduction. LH triggers ovulation and is responsible for releasing the female egg. Therefore, it plays an important role in the menstrual cycle. Finally, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), is a female reproductive hormone that regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes of the female body. It also initiates follicular growth and prepares the body for the start of the next ovulation cycle. LH and FSH are reproductive hormones that work together and help control the menstrual cycle. Men do not have the same reproductive hormones as women. Testosterone is the male reproductive hormone and is the principal male reproductive hormone. Testosterone is important in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testes and the prostate. Testosterone also promotes hair growth and muscle development during adolescence, a stage known as puberty. Sexual development and reproductive health for both women and men are dependent on the action of these reproductive hormones. Reproductive hormones are responsible for deciding whether a developing embryo will become a phenotypic male or a female. Whether an embryo will develop into a male or female depends on the formation of reproductive duct systems and the differentiation of external genitalia. When a fetus is approximately 8 weeks old, it will begin to develop either male or female reproductive systems. The mechanism that decides the sex of the fetus is the secretion, or release, of testosterone or a lack of testosterone secretion. For example, if testosterone is released at approximately 8 weeks of fetal life, the fetus will develop a male duct system and external male genitalia. However, if secretion of testosterone does not occur, there will be no induction of male duct system differentiation, thus leading to development of the female duct system. A lack of testosterone release will lead to the development of female characteristics.

7th Sunday, June 2020

Know About the Chemical Influence On Sexual and Reproductive Health:

Reproductive health and the environment focuses on exposures to environmental contaminants along the life-span of human development. What you take in, breathe or come in contact with affects your sexual and reproductive health. These periods are directly related to reproductive health throughout the life course, including the period before conception, at conception, fertility, pregnancy, child and adolescent development, and adult health. Exposures to different environmental contaminants may influence reproductive health status through the process of epigenetics. Environmental toxicants may potentially induce effects in human reproductive processes. However, the extent of this hypothesis must be supported through greater levels of research.

8th Monday, June 2020

This Knowledge Is Provided to You to Support Healthy Living:

Reproductive health reminds us we are all responsible and have a duty to conduct ourselves in such a way as not to be a danger to ourselves because of the choices or mis-choices we make as far as reproductive health goes. Sexual health on the other hand is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. Embrace knowledge to enable you make informed decisions.




Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Halshka Graczyk, MPH, with the lead of Dr. Lynn Goldman) and WHO (Marie-Noel Bruné, MSc) Expert reviewers: Dr. Heli Bathija (WHO); Prof. MS. Riana Bornman (South Africa); Dr. Bremen De Mucio (CLAP/SMR); Dr. Pablo Duran (CLAP/SMR); Dr. Ricardo Fescina (CLAP/SMR); Prof. Dr. Jean Golding (UK); Prof. Dr. Eun-Hee Ha (Rep. of Korea); Dr. Woong Ju (Rep. of Korea); Prof. Dr. Young Ju Kim (Rep. of Korea); Prof. Dr. Merci Kusel (Australia); Prof. Dr. Amalia Laborde (Uruguay); Dr. Lizbeth López Carrillo (Mexico); Dr. Hanns Moshammer (ISDE); Dr. Joanne Perron (US); Dr. Suzanne Serruya (CLAP/SMR); Prof. Dr. Peter Sly (Australia); Prof. Dr. Shanna Swan (US); Prof. Dr. Oriol Vall Combelles (Spain) ; Dr. Sheryl Vanderpoel (WHO). Additional collaborators: Dr. Brenda Eskenazi (US), Dr. Jenny Pronczuk (WHO), Anne Sweeney (US), Anna Pollack (US) WHO Training Project Coordination: Dr. Ruth Etzel (WHO) Marie-Noël Bruné, MSc (WHO)


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