"Be Defined By Other Than What You Have," Advised Kamau!

Ngai was putting together,
the immobile Mount Kenya,
it took so many things,
somewhere on the slopes,
whose expanse extends far and wide,
undulating into the Aberdares and beyond,
was one place where your ancestors,
made their home,
the day you were born,
there was a name waiting for you,
that name was Kamau,
the day you were born,
a human being full of dignity,
love and joy was made,
that human being was Kamau,
you were the part,
destined to be mobile,
you grew so fast and left a trailblazer,
all over the world,
you were beloved,
grand in stature,
magnanimous to kith,
kin and strangers alike,
you stretched far, wide and high,
Kamau Emmanuel Mukere, Auntie Ivy,
one hot Summer in Washington DC,
I was a new immigrant to USA,
to whom you reached out,
you were in Dallas Texas,
via the waves,
we had a long talk,
a long-winded talk indeed,
I recall so many things you said,
'be defined by other than what you have,'
is one of them,
you liberated many of us,
artifacts, endowments,integuments and limb,
may make one,
but there is more substance,
that defined one.

I have read of the news of your passing.
According to Dennis Inzioka!!


The burial arrangements of our beloved nephew the late Emmanuel Kamau Mukere are ongoing.

Family and friends are meeting daily in Dandora home house no. 692A from 4pm. Relatives and friends are requesting for financial assistance to help bring Emmanuel back home from USA.

The cottage leaves Lee funeral home for prayers and burial in Gikindu village Kiriaini location Muranga on January 3rd 2020 from 7am.

We are also planning to have meetings in town Nairobi on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st December 2019 at Tumaini House opposite Kencom to plan for funeral from 5pm.

Contributions to assist in funeral arrangements can be sent to PAYBILL 891300 ACCOUNT NUMBER 37225


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