Letter To Mukala On Homosexuality As a non issue in Uganda

Dear Mukala,
I received yours dated 1st April 2018. Was it a hoax? These days we are careful.  Nevertheless I perused through!

Uganda has far more pressing issues than Homosexuality.

This thing you are writing to me about is a non entity, abominable, despicable, divisive and deserves no attention by any rightful thinking person.

People practicing this thing need to be taken to Butabika Mental Health Facility. We have arranged counsellors to talk to them. They need healing and praying over.

I have made it my personal goal to block any talk of this thing at homes, in communities, villages, parishes, sub-counties, counties, districts, local governments and central government. I call upon anyone to report such a person or persons practicing this thing to police.

We are a peace-loving country and are aware this thing was brought into Uganda from elsewhere. It was smuggled into Uganda by wrong elements and no rightful thinking human being needs to practice it. Even animals do not practice it.

We do not want this thing in Uganda. 



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