Giving Another HIV Knowingly or Unknowingly; What Experts Say About This

127 clients, have asked me to provide guidance on the events surrounding staying negative, not giving others HIV and why some unknowingly or knowingly pass on HIV to others.
We, at Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) did pull up our past data to see how we dealt with these kinds of issues from the number of interface events we have had with clients. However, we choose to give you what others, especially legal minds say about this. An article by Aziza Ahmed, Beri Hull in the Human Rights Magazine of 2011 Vol. 38 sets the grounds within which we wanted to start and maintain the conversation. in it Aziza et al say:

"HIV positive people live and work in a complicated array of circumstances that may or may not dictate that HIV disclosure is always the most appropriate response. People who are HIV negative might engage in a range of behaviors that require heightened responsibility over their own sexual health and life; however, circumstances such as intimate partner violence may dictate that a person cannot make demands for safe sex.
Intra-relationship power dynamics alongside social and economic realities may determine who is able to disclose and how they are able to disclose or who may ask a person’s status and who might not. The legal regime currently surrounding disclosure of HIV status is not able to consider the nuance of each circumstance in the manner necessary, and, in fact, the consequences of these laws may be undermining larger public health goals"

1. Know your HIV status and if you are sexually active make sure
2. You and your partner talk about about negotiated safer sex practices ( NSSP)
3. Do not just talk about them but also practice them with every sexual partner
4. Practice safer sex at every sexual event
5. Make sure you know the laws and criminality around passing HIV to others
6. Seek to protect yourself and your partner.

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