Kampala, Uganda: Position Your HIV Prevention Agenda to Include Participation in Clinical Trials

We bring information, to help you and your HIV Prevention organization position herself as a relevant actor in today’s changing funding priorities.

There is a binary characteristic that is emerging: Prevention through information, education, communication and interventions (IECI) such as ARV-refills, HIV testing and counselling on one hand. On the other, is network building, clinical trials, criminalization and other activities that fall into a policy framework to end HIV. 

There is need to be familiar with trends. Get to know how your organization can eventually fit into the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) agenda.

The Division of AIDS (DAIDS) was formed in 1986 to develop and implement the national research agenda to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic. 

Toward that end, the division supports a global research portfolio to advance biological knowledge of HIV/AIDS, its related co-infections, and co-morbidities. With the ultimate goal of creating an “AIDS-Free Generation,” the division develops and supports the infrastructure and biomedical research needed to: 1) halt the spread of HIV through the development of an effective vaccine and biomedical prevention strategies that are safe and desirable; 2) develop novel approaches for the treatment and cure of HIV infection; 3) treat and/or prevent HIV co-infections and co-morbidities of greatest significance; and 4) partner with scientific and community stakeholders to efficiently implement effective interventions.

The Division of AIDS (DAIDS)-supported investigators are conducting an abundance of research on all areas of HIV infection, including developing and testing preventive HIV vaccines, prevention strategies, and new treatments for HIV infection and AIDS-associated opportunistic infections.They work with the following prevention-focused networks:

The current funding for these networks has three more years to run, but the network recompetition process<https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/HIV-Research-Enterprise> is already underway to determine the focus and structure for HIV research from 2021 through 2027.

The Division of AIDS (DAIDS) intends to collapse the current networks into just three—focusing on treatment, non-vaccine prevention and vaccines. Where does your organization fall? Are you part of the research studies? 

The Division of AIDS (DAIDS) agenda is currently in the last three-years of the current funding period will end. Already they are conducting research and expect efficacy trials in the most at-risk populations including young women in eastern and southern Africa as well as young black gay men in the US. 

To hear the DAIDS director speak about the future prevention landscape, listen to AVAC’s Px Pulse interview with him<http://www.avac.org/sites/default/files/u3/Carl_Dieffenbach_Interview.mp3>.


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