The African Men for Sexual Health and Rights [AMSHeR] will convene at the 19th ICASA 2017 in Cote d’ivoire from the  30 November – 1 December for the Sexual Health Institute targeting Young Key Populations under the theme ‘Investing in Youth Leadership, Creating Positive Health & Rights Outcomes for All!
In order to address the knowledge gaps, AMSHeR is organising a two-days residential Institute for SRHR of young key populations in the margin of the International conference on AIDS and STIs. This is a space for young key populations and key stakeholders working on or with young key populations to learn and share practical knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues of young gay and other men having sex with men, young LBT, young sex workers of all genders, young people who inject drugs and young persons having been in prisons settings aged between 16 and 24 years.
 In contexts of high levels of stigma and discrimination associated with non-conforming gender identity, sexual orientation, practices, social status, it’s overdue to raise awareness of key stakeholders, including young key populations representatives, on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues.
Accessing quality health and rights services requires extensive leadership and knowledge. The institute’s overall objective is to strengthen capacity of young key populations’ leaders and other key stakeholders on the sexual health and rights needs of key populations at the early ages of maturity.
At the end of the Institute, participants will:
  • Have an evidence-informed understanding of issues relating to sexual and reproductive health and rights of young key populations in their diversity;
  • Acquire knowledge and skills to provide or advocate for quality sexual health services for young key populations in Africa.
  • Express commitment for integration of young key populations needs into their STI, HIV, and sexual and reproductive health programmes.
Who is eligible to participate?
 The Institute will be attended by:
  • Service providers from AMSHeR member and affiliate organizations involved in management of and prevention and counseling in HIV, STI, and sexual and reproductive health programmes for young key populations.
  • Advocates/activists from AMSHeR member and affiliate organizations involved in interventions around sexual and reproductive health and rights for young key populations.
  • Members of young key populations groups who have demonstrated commitment and engagement in SRHR programming, implementation, evaluation and monitoring;
How Do I apply?
 Eligible applicants are requested to submit an application, which must include:
  • Their CV (not more than 4 pages),
  • A motivation letter describing what experience they want to share and/or how the institute will benefit their work with or for young key populations,
  • A reference letter from credible organisations to support their application.
The above should be sent by email to shr.institute@amsher.org no later than October 15, 2017
Selected participants will benefit from scholarships including travel expenses, accommodation and a daily subsistence allowance to cover additional expenses for the two days of the Institute.
 The working languages will be English, French, and Portuguese; all presentations and training material shall be presented in either of those languages. A simultaneous translation will be provided to participants.


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