
The Ugandan LGBTIQQ Community has always decried any form of sexual predation, as well as blackmail and extortion. But, this has been a whispered and half hearted initiative because it is said some in the LGBTIQQ leadership seem to benefit. How? We are yet to know. But, this we know. There are three individuals in Uganda known for being perpetual predators. They even brag about it. One is known to brag about the size of his penis; the second is known to splash money around as a lure; the third who is also known to have fancy houses and cars lures his catch by promising "lodging until the person can find their footing." This person promises a paradise too and ends up just using his catches. After which he tells all and sundry how he has made the 200th,300th,400th... catch. Those of us in the counselling field are saddled with providing trauma counseling and the cycle continues without any leaders denouncing these people who are known to them....