Kampala: Pre-Anti Homosexual Act (2014) Era LGBTIQQ Friendly Newspaper In Uganda Celebrates Seven Years!

 "We are so thrilled to be making this age, seven is an important milestone for many cultures," said the Chief Editor who has been with the paper since its inception.

"We started this paper as indigenous Africans who were reacting to the oft made statements like: ' the homosexuals learn these acts from Western World' or 'homosexuality is unAfrican!' We started small, with just an old computer, an office which allowed us to integrate blogging into their work and a lot of passion. Passion is not imported, zeal is not imported, desire is not imported. All these three are indigenously cognitive and abundant within oneself," added the Chief Editor. 

When approached for comment the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda had this to say "I was so thrilled when I was asked to be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors back in 2014. I was so happy working with an organization which is one of the oldest, had survived literally with no funding from any external source but just voluntary contributions of the staff. I checked their books of account, their reports, their websites before they were all taken down and all their social media platforms. I asked around and knew this was the organization to steer as the head of its board. This paper is one of the few constants and beacons the gay culture in Uganda which some call 'Kuchu' and others prefer to call 'Celeb' can rely on. It is an institution that needs supporting and hopefully, there will be readiness now to support organizations like these which have stood through thick, tempests and thin."

On 10th August 2011, The Marps Newsletter was launched at Kawaala in a Kampala Suburb where the Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) had their resource center. The occasion of the  launch had followed an earlier one where many participants had gathered for a prayer event. Praying and other spiritual gatherings among the LGBTIQQ in Uganda were a source of healing and were part of planned activities.

Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) run a Transitory shelter where evicted and disowned LGBTIQQ could be provisionally housed for a short term. The shelter was at Bulange another quiet suburb of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) run a clinic which was part of the resource center as well as provided gender neutral bathrooms. At the resource center, other activities included talent shows, mini-prides, seminars and life skills trainings.

When asked what the future held the Chief Editor said, "we have a big task of looking for a bigger space and leave where we are sharing office-space with another organization which has hosted us since 2012. Not only are we a news house serving the LGBTIQQ, but we are also the emotional health counselling support go to organization and a go to point providing organization development services to 72 small grassroots LGBTIQQ organizations. We want to consolidate the super duper movement of organizations that we have been working with. Three of our founders are now working as international consultants. We wish them so well. We are so happy that 3 Ugandan-grown persons who worked with us have now got the experience and skills to perform at an international level. This motivates those of us in Uganda to continue doing our work so well. Work anywhere nurtures a person into an actualized contributor to the common humanity's good"

We congratulate the team and all LGBTIQQ in Uganda for having coming this far.


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