CAMPAIGN FACT SHEET


Do something about IDUs, LGBTIQQ, MSM AND WSW….why? Because they are worse off and are treated as second citizens.

They have a unique and high prevalence of HIV compared with general population.

HIV care and support poses unique challenges because of the broader care context issues (Packages Of intervention for HIV Prevention amongst Most at Risk Populations-MARPs, UNDP, 2012).

There is a tendency by policy and programming to indicate one route of transmission and therefore being comfortable with building and supporting interventions around penile-vaginal transmission. Except for Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) any mention of other routes is laughed upon, ridiculed and further constricted by law.

They are generally part of the larger population; they need health care services like any other human beings BUT access issues pose challenges. These in turn lead to low health preserving practices. This affects the larger population groups.

Support the activities of MARPS IN UGANDA by joining the ‘friends of MARPS IN Uganda club whose acronym is FOMIU. Areas below are where the support goes:
  • The support goes towards office rent, paying subsistence for volunteers and consumables.
  • The support goes towards enabling membership at national and international level networks.
  • The support goes towards running the clinic and providing capacity building.
  • The support goes towards providing logistics during regular community outreaches .



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