The Weekly Anti-TB Themes

Monday theme:

COVID-19 affects the way communities decide on resource use to eradicate Tuberculosis. #StopTBPartnership, #StopTB #StopCOVID19.

Tuesday theme:  

Systems in place can make COVID-19 vaccines available. Don't let go of the Anti-TB momentum. #StopTBPartnership.

Wednesday theme: 

Public engagement in eradicating COVID-19 and TB means that you wear the mask, avoid crowds, wash your hands and Social-distance please. #StopTBPartnership.

Thursday theme: 

Let us talk about Latent, Childhood and Active TB screening, testing and provision of medicines promptly. #StopTBPartnership.

Friday Theme:

To end TB/HIV/Malaria by 2030 is possible through collective prevention and care. #StopTBPartnership.

Saturday theme: 

Your commitment is necessary to end TB and COVID-19. As well, health systems must be strengthened with the community beneficiaries in mind. #StopTBPartnership, #StopTBKenya

Sunday theme:  

TB/HIV/Malaria must not win. Empower people living with TB to fight COVID-19, HIV and Malaria. It is possible. #StopTBPartnership


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